2025-02-18 Animation & Rigging module meeting

The meeting will be on 2025-02-18T11:00:00Z. It is open for everybody interested to join the video call (link below).

Present: Christoph Lendenfeld, Nathan Vegdahl, Sybren Stüvel, Andy Beers, Pablo Fournier, Rik Schutte

People present are referred to by first name for brevity. Others are referred to by full name.



  • Please raise your hand when you don’t understand things for any reason. The purpose of these meetings is collaboration. It is absolutely fine to ask for explanations.
  • There are no recordings of the meeting. This way everybody is free to say or show anything they want.


Names are from the Git log. This list is limited to functional improvements & bugfixes.


Technical Documentation

Ongoing Work

  • High Prio bugs: None!
  • Christoph:
    • Christoph’s weekly report
    • Working on Bugfixes for 4.4
    • Looking at what happens when you play animation with “Sync to Audio”, and during playback change the frame rate.
    • Sybren: make sure to check with Sebastian Parborg, he’s also looking into sync-related things.
  • Nathan:
  • Sybren:
    • Sybren’s weekly report
    • Python API docs: #134683: Anim: update Action RNA descriptions to clarify legacy status
    • Convenience for F-Curve creation: #134686: Anim: add RNA function Action.fcurve_ensure_for_datablock(…) (basically for fixing VSE code in #134656)
    • Going to investigate options to get “Z-axis along the bone” for Blender 5.0.
      • Single flag on the armature, to flip between current system and desired one
      • One choice for +/- X/Y/Z axis along the bone.
      • Two choices, for axis along the bone and “secondary” axis.
      • Nathan: probably best to use a single flag on the armature, to avoid all kinds of tooling around bones to become harder to write. Per-bone changes can be handled when importing/exporting.
      • Christoph agrees with Nathan.
      • Sybren: expects to end up with the single flag, modeled as an enum with two options (so it’s clearer what’s what than just true/false).

Patches: Review & Decision Time

  • #134503: Improvements to bones “Select Child/Parent” hierarchy
    • To decide: What happens at the end of the chain? Should the bone stay selected, or should it get deselected?
    • Rik: it should keep the current selection.
    • Rik: does Blender have a “select sibling” option?
    • Sybren: nope.
    • Rik: then selecting all children may not always be desirable.
    • Rik is going to try out the test build & report back on the PR.

Potential bug in Slotted Actions

Rik shows a bug:

  1. Character is keyed
  2. All keys are deleted
  3. The slot’s summary line still shows keys, which are not editable.
  • Nathan: what happens when you save & reload?
  • Rik: the phantom keys are still there.
  • Sybren: this is definitely a bug.
  • Rik is going to see if he can replicate the issue with a simpler file, then write a bug report.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on 2025-02-27T17:00:00Z. Again it will be open for everybody who’s interested. The provisionary meeting agenda will be updated before the meeting.

Simplified and did some digging #134746 - Action Editor Action Slot "summary" shows keyframes of hidden bones [that cannot be interacted with properly] - blender - Blender Projects

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