2025-02-13 Compositor Meeting Notes


  • Habib Gahbiche
  • Omar Emara
  • Sean Kennedy
  • Segey Sharybin


Sean Kennedy joined the meeting as an artist after a long break, welcome back! During the meeting, we first had a chat with Sean about his professional work as a compositor as well as his workflow in Blender, and then discussed the topics below:


The compositing board now represents the official page for the compositor roadmap.
For the short term, we will be working on two topics:

  1. Integrate node system across different workflows
  2. Simplifying the compositor workflow

Ongoing topics:

  • Future of glare node

    • Sun beams will be part of 4.5
    • Streaks and simple star are long term goals
  • Winter of quality

    • Some tasks are remaining from the original plan. We still want to work on them on the short term
    • Some tasks are taken by the community
  • 5.0 Breaking changes

    • Meeting about compatibility planned
    • No news since last time. Task is:
  • GSoC:

    • Ideas done for application
      • Omar brought up concerns from geometry nodes module against the Expression Node. It’s unclear why such a node is not desired, but since there is no agreement we removed it from the ideas page. Interested students are as always encouraged to propose their own ideas.
  • Known Issues:

    • Corner pin gizmos: Report is closed as not a bug, though the current design is not ideal. We will come back to this topic when we address gizmos for more nodes.
  • Integrate node system across different workflows (Omar)

    • Bug fixing and refactoring towards reusing nodes
      • Add a new type MotionVector
      • Introduce Color type similar to geometry nodes
  • New CPU compositor is slower in some nodes. Reason was compiler optimization. Fixed in 4.4 release branch (see release notes for performance numbers)

  • Worked on fast viewing for geometry nodes, regression testing and a design for simplifying the compositor (Habib)

Practical Info

This is a fortnightly video chat meeting for planning and discussion of Compositing in Blender. Any contributor (developer, UI/UX designer, writer, …) working on this area in Blender is welcome to join and add proposed items to the agenda.

For users and other interested parties, we ask to read the meeting notes instead so that the meeting can remain focused.