2025-02-11 User Interface Meeting

User Interface Module Meeting 2025-02-11T16:00:00Z

Regular User Interface module meeting for planning and coordination. Last regular meeting was January 28th, next meeting on February 25th.


  • Julian Eisel
  • Hans Goudey
  • Pablo Vazquez
  • Thomas Dinges
  • Nika Kutsniashvili
  • John Kiril Swenson
  • Harley Acheson

Merged to 4.4 Since Last Meeting

Merged to 4.5 Since Last Meeting

High Severity Bugs


Design & Discussion

  • Blender 5.0 feature discussions
  • Tabs discussions
  • We’d like to propose Fake User solutions, needs by in by other modules. Don’t remove on load, save everything, etc.
  • Can we use the grip icon instead of the immediate-mode drawing on panel headers?
  • Complaints about the text on the “Overwrite Main Startup File” dialog. Why is “Main” in the title? The “Make the” sounds like something user must do. Give it some thought.
  • On tooltips the disabled message should be before the python path.
  • Properties Collection visibility properties are reversed from other visibility. Could make shadows and remove current in 5.0?
  • VSE Text strips will soon show tofu for unknown glyphs in custom fonts. John might look into improving user notification of missing characters.
  • UI: Status Bar During Text and Numerical Entry #133790
    • Liked in general, but probably without the formula hint until we have a better understanding on how those could be used.
  • UI: Decrease Alert Dialog Icon Size #134302
    • Agreement on 40.
  • UI: Experiment: Popup Block Alert Level Indicator #134084
    • Interesting. Might work if just used for red on strong alerts. We also discussed using red on the confirm button for stronger warnings, orange on less, the blue might be too weak. Requires #131127.
  • UI: Experiment: Operator Poll Message As Report #134254
    • We like, but worried about excess polling, mostly window-level operators. Julian thinks we can test for this. Could be made experimental for testing purposes.
  • WIP: WIP: RPT_ERROR Report Popup As Alert Dialog #134376
    • Could work but we’d also have to work to reduce these. Like the old confirms we have far too many of these. Most could be replaced with a toast-like notification.
  • John Kiril Swenson wants to talk about scrollbars with handles.
    • Was discussed, but notetaker was away (power outage).