The meeting will be on 2024-10-31T17:00:00Z. It is open for everybody interested to join the video call (link below).
People present are referred to by first name for brevity. Others are referred to by full name.
Present: Christoph Lendenfeld, David Woolf, Demeter Dzadik, Dorothee Ditrich, Eduardo Rubio, Ivan Cappiello, Jeremy Bot, Luciano Muñoz (in dragon outfit), Jorn Boven, MohammadHossein Jamshidi, Sybren Stüvel, po min Fung, Xan2622
- Video Call
- A&R Module Meetings calendar for inclusion in your own calendar app
- Previous & next meeting notes
- Issues & Pull Requests
- #module-animation chat channel
- Draft agenda for any upcoming meetings
- Please raise your hand when you don’t understand things for any reason. The purpose of these meetings is collaboration. It is absolutely fine to ask for explanations.
- There are no recordings of the meeting. This way everybody is free to say or show anything they want.
Since the Last Meeting / Announcements
- Winter time in NL, so the meeting might have shifted 1h compared to your local time.
- The meeting moved from BigBlueButton to Google Meet. The reason is that we were using a demo server of BigBlueButton, and they started to kick us out after 30 minutes. Self-hosting is hard, especially to get working well across the globe, so instead we move to something that works well enough for most people.
- The video call will open 10 minutes before the meeting starts, for people to drop in & have a chat.
- Our Blender Conference talks are online. Here are the ones from module members:
- Animals for Games, Marion Stalke (YouTube, PeerTube)
- Animation Previs/Layout workshop, Hjalti Hjálmarsson (YouTube, PeerTube)
- How do I contribute?, Nate Rupsis (YouTube, PeerTube)
- New Animation System - Progress Report, Christoph Lendenfeld, Nathan Vegdahl, Sybren Stüvel (YouTube, Slides)
- Playlist of all Blender Conference 2024 talks
- The Tuesday before the conference there was a workshop on Layered Animation at Blender HQ. A blog post about this will be posted next week.
- Much positive feedback on the Slotted Actions & other improvements.
Names are from the Git log. This list is limited to functional improvements & bugfixes.
- 2fb0847dd14: Fix #129385: Bake Action operator not working with slots (Christoph Lendenfeld)
Technical Documentation
- 2746650d: 4.3: Anim - Link to manual for motion paths (Christoph Lendenfeld)
- a01950c0: 4.3: Anim - Link to manual for eyedropper (Christoph Lendenfeld)
User Manual
- 52a759024: Anim: Update Motion Path page (Christoph Lendenfeld)
- 44ad6485a: Anim: Add description for Bone Eyedropper (Christoph Lendenfeld)
Ongoing Work
- High Prio bugs:
- Another one: already fixed
- #129606: Other keyframes not deselected when inserting new keys in older files (fix under review)
- #129630: Markers selection seems inconsistent (low prio)
- #129589: Crash upon Pushing Down Action in NLA Editor (fix under review)
- #129530: ANIM: Huge fps drop at animation playback due to invalid rna paths
- Sybren will look into it.
- Christoph:
- Christoph’s weekly report
- bug fixing before 4.3 release
- Nathan:
- Sybren:
- Sybren’s weekly report
- Started draft of blog post about the Layered Animation workshop.
- #129376: WIP: Anim: Dope Sheet, Select by Key Type
- Sybren: is this enough, or should it be limited somehow?
- Luciano: is fine like this.
- Eduardo: does it work per action as well?
- Sybren: Yup, it’s in the dopesheet, so goes across Actions.
- Luciano: should be more like collections, Animator should choose what is what. Sybren: makes total sense.
- Jorn: I would say it would be more useful if it selects from your current selection. If you want to select all you could easily combine it with the select all operator.
- Christoph: likes Jorn’s approach.
- Sybren: so it’s more like a “deselect everything but a certain type”
- Luciano: yeah, sounds useful. Doro nods head too.
- Christoph: when nothing is selected, we could still select all of that type instead of filtering down a non existent selection.
- #129381: WIP: Anim: Add drag & drop of Actions to the asset browser
- Much enthousiasm from animators
- Christoph: feature request: ‘bake & blend’ option, maybe with handles on the side.
- Sybren: yes! And also for copy-paste, so you can blend-in a copied pose/animation.
- Christoph: could be a good place to start a new baking system ^^
Article about CloudRig
- Demeter: have people succesfully used CloudRig? I’m writing an article about it.
- Jorn: I have used it. Will get back to you about it.
- Luciano: will CloudRig replace Rigify?
- Demeter: it won’t be bundled with Blender, because then it can only be updated every 4 months. It’s available on Blender Extensions though.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 2024-11-07T17:00:00Z. Again it will be open for everybody who’s interested. The provisionary meeting agenda will be updated before the meeting.