2024-07-15 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Date/Time: 2024-07-15T14:00:00Z
Link: https://meet.google.com/xxo-tyin-rem

  • Amélie Fondevilla (LFS, Developer)
  • Antonio Vazquez (Developer)
  • Casey Bianco-Davis (Developer)
  • Falk David (Blender developer)
  • Iliya Katueshenock (Developer)
  • Jacques Lucke (Blender)
  • Lukas Tönne (Blender)
  • Matias Mendiola (Grease Pencil team)
  • Samuel Bernou (ADV studio, python dev)
  • Wu Yiming (Blender)


  • Development updates
  • Discussions

Meeting Notes

  • Development updates
    • More work on the draw tool:
      • Trim stroke ends option (Falk)
      • Enable eraser while holding CTRL (Falk)
      • Automerge setting (Lukas)
      • More fixes
    • Fill tool updates, e.g. extension lines overlay, and more (Lukas)
    • Interpolation tool in edit mode and draw mode (Lukas)
Show all commits
  • Discussions:
    • Automerge distance is hardcoded to 20px, would be nice to make this a setting. Where could this setting be?
    • Brush asset system: Needs feedback and testing!
  • Casey : What is the eraser used when holding ctrl?
    • Falk: It should be the “Default Eraser” that can be set in the side panel of the draw tool
  • Sietse/Antonio: Having separate tools for the eraser and fill bucket with their own brushes would be best.
  • Antonio: Radius slider is hard to use with low values.
    • Jacques: An idea would be to use a logarithmic slider for the radius brush. This would mean that with lower values the slider has more control, higher values have lower control
  • Nick: In 4.3 the python operator to add an object still creates a GPv2 object
    • Falk: This should be fixed at some point. In 4.3 there will only be GPv3 objects (GPv2 will be converted on file load).
  • Samuel: Will the conversion nodes in geometry nodes support materials ? What about converting fills?
    • It’s currently not possible to create materials within geometry nodes.
    • Grease Pencil materials can’t be created from a mesh material.
    • Falk: There is a bigger issue that we’re running into here which is that we’re storing information like, the fill type of a stroke, or the base color of a stroke, within the material and not on the geometry. Since materials can be stored at the object level, we can’t really know what a strokes color is or if it’s filled or not. This will have to change to make these grease pencil material workflows within geometry nodes better.

Next Meeting

  • Time/Date: 2024-07-29T14:00:00Z
  • Time/Date: 2024-07-30T14:00:00Z

I agree that Eraser and Fill should be separate tools with their own brushes shown in asset shelf, and whatever is active brush for Eraser should be used when holding Ctrl. That’s how most often drawing apps work and is quite good IMO. “default eraser” property feels clunky and something we’ll regret in the future but will be too much work to refactor.


I second that, Eraser and fill as a distinct tool rather than a brush setting would be preferable.

Another thing that is still missing in regards to this:
In GP2 with brush selected I could hold the ctrl key and erase, then hitting the alt key would erase strokes, shift key would erase points, without a secondary key the current setting (dissolve,point,stroke) of the eraser tool would be used.

Maybe this is on the to do list already, but I just want to mention it here because it was such a useful but also pretty hidden feature and I fear that it might be overlooked :slight_smile: