2024-06-21 Extensions Project


  • Campbell Barton
  • Dalai Felinto

Recent changes

  • Manifest:
    • blender_version_max is now “exclusive”: it says the version Blender stopped working for an extension.
    • permissions are now a list of the permission + an explanation.
  • Rigify:
    • The Animation & Rigging module decided to bundle it with Blender as a core add-on.

Ongoing changes

  • Bringing Add-ons tabs back
    • The bulk of the changes are done. A remaining task is to implement sections to separate between:
      • Enabled
      • Disabled
      • Available
    • We need to consider implications for this:
      • Items jump after installing.
      • There is no need for “Show only enabled/installed” - perhaps that’s good
        As an alternative we could keep more or less the current UI and make sure
        the installed/enabled/disabled state is clearly visible.
  • Multiple OS support

Next immediate steps

To see all the remaining tasks for Blender 4.2, check beta launch tasks.


  • Right now there is no way to quickly select a single tag, while still supporting multiple tags selected.
    • Propose UI team to help with this (Harley?).
    • Options:
      • Anything the UI thing come up with and align with Campbell.
      • Have clicking to default to isolating a tag, shift-click to enable multiple.
    • Radical options:
      • Support only one tag at a time (like the extensions platform does).
        1. Use radio buttons.
        1. Implement a dropdown (enum) instead. [which would include the “All” option]
    • Rejected options:
      • Add keep single click toggle, and add ctrl-click to isolate a tag (like collections in outliner). - Rejected because the outliner is not a UI element.



  • :ballot_box_with_check: Changing active theme from Theme Editor breaks Extensions tab.
  • :ballot_box_with_check: We should not show the website from manifest (if available on remote/JSON).
  • :ballot_box_with_check: Upon launching Blender for the first time we should not show Repository Access Errors (PS: being offline is never an error :slight_smile: )
  • :ballot_box_with_check: Don’t save “repo” when dropping (skip-save).

Thank you for the hard work!! <3