2024-05-14 Blender Admins Meeting


  • Bastien Montagne
  • Brecht Van Lommel
  • Campbell Barton
  • Dalai Felinto
  • Fiona Cohen
  • Francesco Siddi
  • Philipp Oeser
  • Sergey Sharybin
  • Thomas Dinges


  • Meeting agreed on moving Collada I/O to the legacy ‘status’ (see the announcement for details).
  • Meeting did not agree on proposal to have an official policy regarding support of (very) old Blendfiles. For the time being, versioning code for old features/data can be removed when it becomes too problematic to maintain, on a case-by-case basis.
  • The improved Autosmooth behavior fix will likely go into the next 4.2 LTS release. It needs more time to be tested and validated by the artists, and making a corrective 4.1.2 release is not easily doable in the coming weeks.
  • Meeting agreed to empower the release team to be more conservative with what is backported to LTS corrective releases. The goal is to:
    • Reduce the overhead of such releases on the dev and release teams.
    • Reduce the risk of breaking workflows or introducing new issues with ‘nice to have’ non-critical backported fixes.