2024-02-27 Sculpt, Paint, & Texture Module Meeting

Check the overview thread for more information about the meeting.


  • Daniel Bystedt
  • Hans Goudey
  • Sergey Sharybin

Since the Last Meeting

  • Raul has been working on a crash with sculpt mode undo and and a QoL PR.

Meeting Topics

  • Julien is on sabbatical starting this week, so we can’t count on him for user testing at the moment. Daniel can help to fill that role.
  • After the Q1 projects finish up, it’s likely that more project-oriented work will be scheduled-- that’s when the module could work on larger changes.
  • Raul can work on smaller changes (fixes, small improvements, etc.) in the meantime as part of getting used to the code. We can sort the to do tasks and bugs in the workboard so the highest priority is at the top of the columns.
    • We can start with some multires crashes that have been listed for a while but not prioritized.
  • In the very short term we can make sure the items in the “In Review” column are finished and/or moved elsewhere.
  • We also added a new “In Progress” column for tasks that are being actively worked on but aren’t in review for whatever reason.