2023-08-17 Pipeline, Assets & I/O meeting

Everyone is welcome on the Google Meet linked below every other Thursday, at 17:00 CEST.

Present: Bastien Montagne, Micheal Kowalski

The meeting covers the pipeline & I/O module in a broader sense, including some topics hosted in other modules (e.g. some I/O python add-ons, or overrides and .blend file I/O from the Core module).



Most targets for 4.0 are on track (have already been merged, or about to be). The export of usdSkel will likely not meet the deadline, but can still be merged soon after. The only one now scheduled for 4.1 is the SceneGraph instancing.

Congrats to the team for this nice set of new features!

It is now also time to start thinking about 4.1 targets, Bastien will create a task for it next week once 4.0 moves into BCon2.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Thursday 31st August, 17:00 CEST/Amsterdam time (your local time: 2023-08-31T15:00:00Z).

The provisional meeting agenda will be linked in the #pipeline-assets-io-module channel before the meeting.