2023-05-02 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Practical info

Date/Time: 2023-05-02T14:00:00Z
Link: https://meet.google.com/xxo-tyin-rem

  • Amélie Fondevilla (LFS, developer)
  • Antonio Vazquez (grease pencil developer)
  • Dalai Felinto (blender development coordinator)
  • Daniel Martínez Lara (core grease pencil team)
  • Falk David (grease pencil developer)
  • Matias Mendiola (Story Artist - Gease Pencil core team)
  • Nick Alberelli (community Member)
  • Shen Ciao (developer)


  • Grease Pencil 3.0 development updates.
  • Keymap changes
  • PR#106663

Meeting Notes

  • Grease Pencil 3.0 development updates:
    • The patch for the initial stage is under review: https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/pulls/106848. Hopefully it will be done by this week.
    • The blog post is written and also under review.
    • Last step is to add a section for “Contributing” and create community tasks on the workboard.
  • Julien Kaspar is working on a devtalk post that will talk about the default keymap and will propose changes to it. This will also talk about grease pencil. Link: Default Keymap Updates - Feedback Requested
  • The weight painting PR#106663 was reviewed and has been merged (big thanks to Sietse Brouwer!). It will be part of Blender 3.6 LTS. Even though this was merged after the development of GP 3.0 started, the descision was made to merge it, so that the improvments and bug fixes a part of a long-term-support version, before Blender 4.0.
  • Daniel: Work on the VR prototype is continuing. Is working with two developers from Spain. Showed a quick demo video in the meeting. This development is not public for the time being.
    • Dalai: Is open to the idea of having a workshop on this in the future.
  • Falk: Will work on some design ideas for the geometry nodes integration this week, after the merge with main happend.

Next Meeting

  • Time/Date: 2023-05-15T14:00:00Z
  • Link: TODO
  • Agenda: