Practical Info
This is a weekly video chat meeting for planning and discussion of development related to the sculpting and painting in Blender. Any contributor (developer, UI/UX designer, writer, …) working on these features in Blender is welcome to join and add proposed items to the agenda.
For users and other interested parties, we ask to read the meeting notes instead so that the meeting can remain focused.
- Upcoming Agenda
- Google Meet
- Module Chat
- Time: Wednesday 6pm CET
- Next Meeting: Mai 18, 2022
- Jeroen Bakker (dev)
- Joe Eagar (dev)
- Brecht van Lommel
- Ramil Roosileht (dev)
- Daniel Bystedt (artist)
- Julien Kaspar (artist)
New Design Tasks
T97955 Paint Mode: Masking Modes
- Will be looked at in detail later
T97903 Invert Masking behaviour for Sculpt/Paint Mode
- For now we can prototype the change
- Ramil has time to test the general behaviour in sculpt mode
T97957 Sculpt Mode Painting
- Decision needed if we keep painting tools in sculpt mode
- For sculpt and paint at the same time absolutely necessary
- We agree that sculpt mode could override the color setting without changing it
- It could be done in a similar way to dyntopo, as a toggle
- Enable Canvas either manually or once painting tools are excecuted
- Making a painting tool active will at least turn on color attribute shading for as long as the tool is active
New Community Tasks
T97959 Color Filter: Sliding UI
- Good as enough as community task
- Good that related patches are linked to it for reference
- Ramil will work on that
T97961 Tip Roundness: Radius improvement
- Create further tasks from Pablo D. abandoned revisions?
- A lot with approved status or approved design but never committed/finished
- Might be good to open up as community tasks to wrap up
- Julien will take care of that
- Roll brush might need bigger brush texture project?
- Probably not that involved
- Make a basic to do task and assign Joe
- Daniel will help out with the design and feedback
Release Documentation
- Color Attribute painting demo file
- Got many updates
- Julien will upload demo file and share with Ramil to make new demo material
- Release notes
- Switch out visual material
- New videos with updated demo file
- New screenshots with default theme
- Avoid showing Eevee and multires for now
- Ramil will replace footage
- Switch out visual material
- Manual update (D14888)
- Daniel will work on visual demo material for character sculpt painting
- It’s an important milestone. It’s good to show it off on various high quality assets
In Review
D13897 PBVH Draw Support for EEVEE
- Can be commiteed anytime. Joe will take care of it
- Other modlue will create tasks for cleanup
- Need work on additional task to support general attribute
D14821 3D Texturing: Undo
- Needs more work with sculpting vs image undo steps
- Jeroen will ask for help from other devs
D14702 PBVH: Fix UV Seams
- More work to fix artefacts
- Jeroen is busy with other tasks this week
T97346 Canvas Selector UX: Add option to create a color attribute in material mode.
- Can be marked as done
D14671 Fix T96414: Stencil mapping is incorrect for UDIMs
- Author can commit
D14823 T97706: Adds operator to duplicate the active color attribute layer
D14733 Color Attribute: Add convert color attribute operation
- Poke Hans to review them
D14900 PBVH Texture Paint Node Splitting
- Still needs time to review it
In Progress
T96225 PBVH image texture painting implementation
- Added needed features to description to avoid regression
- Some of it was already done in sculp dev. Joe can create patches to go into master
T97101 Color attribute improvements
- Bmesh API
- Can be marked as done
- IO features
- There is already work going into that
- Talk to Kevin, Aras (obj implementation) for color attribute support
- Talk to Bastien for fbx implementation
- Joe will work on it and Daniel/Ramil can test it with other software
- Bmesh API
T97697 Sculpt Mode: Correct color filter saturation
- Put on To Do for now
- Ramil will work on other tasks. This one needs more research first
High Priority Bugs
T97408 Converting the color attribute causes undo to fail
- Joe will investigate
T96810 Regression: Shading artefacts in sculpt mode
- Poke Hans
T87243 Problem with the mask option “mask slice to new object”
- Bump down in prio and mark as bug
- Assign Joe to it
T86868 Image Editor “Erase Alpha” brush erases all channels
- Bump down prio and work on design first
- Discussion on it will continue to look into the issue
- Triaging many multires problems as known issues right now
- Do we wait for rewrite or tackle current bugs?
- Mark as known issues for now and wait
- Mostly depends on difficulty and time estimate for rewrite?
- The core issue is that the base needs to be manually applied. Leads to numerical instability and artefacts
- Julien will compile a list of all known multires issues first
- Afterwards we update/create tasks to tackle the issues
- Do we wait for rewrite or tackle current bugs?
- Commit sculpt dev improvements to master?
- Mainly depending on refactors for now
- Once Joe has time to work on that it’s on hold
Next To Do
- Jeroen
- Busy with other release related tasks
- Will review PBVH splitting
- Joe
- Look into tasks mentioned above
- Commit PBVH Eevee support to master
- Create patches for texture paint features from sculpt-dev
- Work on IO color attribute support
- High prio bugs
- Also work on cavity masking
T97902 Missing PBVH 3D paint brush functionality
- Look into tasks mentioned above
- Ramil
- Will check out community tasks
T97903 Invert Masking behaviour for Sculpt/Paint Mode
- Will prototype the sculpt mode behaviour to test out
- Julien
- Will help out to triage backlog and bugs
- Create more to do and community tasks
- Following week: Demo material based on project heist
- Daniel
- More demo videos for 3.2 release