2021-11-15 - 2021-11-19 Geometry Nodes Sub-Module Meetings


Developers or artists interested in contributing are welcome to join at the links below.

Week starting 2021-11-15

  • Frame/Time input node. (Jacques)
    • A “Seconds” and “Frame” output
    • Call it “Time”, because “Frame” doesn’t describe the whole concept, and is incorrect for the seconds output
  • Hidden link + Reroute workflow. (Jacques)
    • Reroute is always using the active color (report bug)
    • Erin’s mockup for the “network” hidden link socket looks like the way to go.
    • Using the drag-link-and-search should show “Reroute” and “Named Reroute” in the node search, the latter as a quick way to add a name without using F2
    • Selecting frames should make all noodles insides with one socket inside the frame visible.
    • Remove the fading of links with no visible sockets.
  • Virtual Array Refactor
    • Hans and Jacques did some live code review
  • Animation versioning.
    • Generally we haven’t been good about properly versioning animation when adding or removing inputs from nodes. Since 3.0 changes many other things already, that’s likely okay, but we should be better in the future.
    • Add a set of utility methods for different kinds of versioning.
    • Also needs methods for e.g. adding a socket, even if that would be done by the node declaration automatically.
      • Otherwise later versioning code can’t rely on the new socket and over time it becomes a mess.
  • Finalize big 3.1 targets.
  • Duplicate Geometry node. (Jacques)