Participants: Dalai Felinto, Hans Goudey, Himanshi Kalra, Jacques Lucke, Simon Thommes
As part of the wrap up of this 8 week project leg, the retrospective of the last sprint addressed the entire 8 weeks.
As a recap, the goal of this period was to cover the basics for material, curves, volumes and attribute processor.
What worked well
- Material pipeline was fully finished to completion.
- Hans being able to focus on one topic (curves) allowed us to get quite far.
- Putting the effort into creating design tasks is helping particularly for community contribution.
- Community involvement keeps growing.
- The prioritization of the design discussions with the agenda is super.
- Having a tag for Needs-Docs made documentation fun.
- The process is mature enough and organic that is part of everyone’s responsivility not only of a “scrum-master”.
- Weekly planning for alignment and communication is also helpful for contributors.
What didn’t work
- The big picture of the project leg could have been re-iterated and re-validated more often:
- Volume was in the original agenda and yet it wasn’t worked on.
- The preparation prior to the meetings was not sufficient.
- No new artist is as integrated yet in the ongoing project as much as Simon is.
- No other artists were added as review to the patches.
- A lot of the curves development didn’t preceed a presented (approved) design that could have been discussed.
- The team lacked shared context for the use cases.
- Design was a big bottleneck.
- The sprint planings were not clear enough to everyone available.
- Even without taking time from the planning more details can be added to the tasks that are not clear.
- Patches (or tasks) could come with the developer’s test file more often.
What we would like to do to improve
- Rename “Ready for Testing” to “Waiting for Feedback/Review”.
- A task can be in said column when it is ready for feedback (even if it is not done).
- If review/feedback will take time to be addressed, author may move task back to In Progress
- Leaving the column really for things that spmeone can go and help by testing/feedback/review
- Getting more artists involved in the modules meetings.
- Remember to prioritize the tasks that are needed for the product.
- Not fall for the trap of trying to find specific tasks for the individual contributors.
- Tasks should be considered everyone’s responsibility.
- People should feel empowered to take on tasks that are high priority and not tackled.
- People should be open about not monopolizing a topic and treat them as a team effort.