Attending: Dalai Felinto, Hans Goudey, Jacques Lucke, Pablo Vazquez, Simon Thommes.
- Finalize planning for the next phase of the project
- There is no clear benefit yet to structure the work as a project or as a continuous module.
- For now the work will be spread during the weeks as module work.
- Sprint planning
- Finish the initial curve nodes for the Blender Studio nest use case.
Working with materials in geometry nodes
- Jacques wants to look at what’s necessary internally to support this.
Attribute list for non-point cloud geometries.
- This is a non-disputable design that will help ease the way to the new modes (e.g., attribute editing) proposal.
- This also supports attributes overlay allowing users to pick which attribute to overlay (and have a per-attribute visualization setup).
Design Discussions
- Switch editor label
- Change label to False / True
- Change default to geometry
- Feature request by Simon:
- Have a generic input with type being determined when an input is plugged. [needs task]
- Deemed too hard to do at the moment.
- Materials in Geometry Nodes.
- Jacques will update the Material Assign node in D11155 to take a face mask instead of a material index as input.
- Materials in Geometry Nodes.
- Simon will think further about object material slots.
- New node: Material Replace
- New node: Material Mask
- New node: Input Material + material socket
Attribute Transfer node design beyond the initial version.
- “Ray Cast” as a separate node (Jacques to create a community task).
- Remove destination option once we have the attribute rename node.
- Attribute Rename node (Hans will do it this week in 10min OR add to product backlog).
- Multi-input string input (Needs design task)
- Multi string (temporary name, i.e., “String List”)
- The current solution for multi-input string such as in the Attribute removal is still confusing.
- It mixes single string lookup and and multi-input.
- There is no way to have multiple strings each using the search lookup.
- New multi-string output.
- Need nodes to create multi-string from all attributes.
- Need node to create multi-string from individual strings.
- Need node to remove strings from multi string.
- The current solution for multi-input string such as in the Attribute removal is still confusing.
- Node transform edge panning patch
- Needs to be slower (at least at higher ui scale)
- Separate Components node - handling of instances
- Create patch that includes an “Instances” output
- The instance output would be optional, off by default
- Collection/Object socket defaults (persistent dependency)
- Expose default of collection/object group inputs.
- Texture socket
- Create a patch for the texture and material sockets.
Next planning meeting: 2021-05-10 at 14:00 CEST on geometry-nodes on