Notes for meeting of Monday, 15 June 2020. 11:00 CEST / UTC 9:00 on #blender-coders on
- The Grease Pencil team is starting a new group to work in an “official” grease pencil add-on for things that can help in grease pencil productions. To be announced in bf-committers.
- Vive / SteamVR officially supports OpenXR - so 2.83 and 2.90 gets it - a workaround for a color bug already in master and a fix will be ported to 2.93.
- Sybren Stüvel is removing HDF5 support from Alembic import/export.
- Buildbot maintenance still ongoing.
- Sergey Sharybin will write to bf-committers when done.
- Daily builds of 2.90 are back, but developers are not to kick new builds.
- The 2.90 macOS builds will not include CUDA kernels anymore.
- Sergey is upgrading macOS/Xcode to move forward with C++17, and there is no CUDA/OptiX toolkits for the new platform
- Meeting notes for the communication port-mortem.
- Bastien Montagne urges reviewers (Brecht Van Lommel and Sergey) to look at Undo & Make Local Fix for 2.83.1.
- Splashscreen file missing (Ian Hubert is still removing non-cc textures).
- Jeroen Bakker will discuss with Dalai Felinto after the meeting on how to handle tagging of corrective release.
- The per-module 2.90 roadmap is available.
- Roadmap also posted on 2.90 module page - items there to be crossed once the feature is fully documented and has a non-tech demo file.
- For the time being contact Dalai when you think the features are fully done.
Modules Organization
Last week some modules to change their landing page and unifying the way the workboards are used. So far the new organized modules are organized:
In a nutshell the changes are:
- Remove the “Module Task”.
- Make the module/tag the go-to page for the module.
- Every release update the long-term roadmap (svg is in the page itself - so it is never lost).
- All workboards to have at least the columns:
2.90 | Long-term | Bugs
. - Bulk tag all the tasks that are not tagged to the main module.
Dalai will work with the other module owners to get them all up to date and the roadmap.
Google Summer of Code
- Students are expected to keep their weekly reports, as well as a feedback thread on devtalk.
Peter Klimenko (PeterK): Adding support for the OpenXR action system to blender and using it to implement VR controls in Blender
We are still missing the one-line project introduction by Sriharsha (Sriharsha), Sam (samkottler) and Matt (mattoverby).
Blender is looking to hire UI/UX designer as well a manager with experience in open source community manager. To be posted on bf-committers.
New Features and Changes
Blender 2.90
- Cloth: hydrostatic pressure gradient, to simulate objects filled with or surrounded by fluids. (Alexander Gavrilov)
- Sculpt: grow and shrink face set operator. (Pablo Dobarro)
- Sculpt: squash and stretch deform mode for the pose brush, scaling along the pivot axis. (Pablo Dobarro)
- Grease Pencil: support for keeping original stroke when reprojection. (Antonio Vazquez)
- Overrides: support duplicating a collection and the overrides of all objects within it, (Bastien Montagne)
- Mesh: improve preservation of custom normals for various mesh editing operators. (Alexander Gavrilov)
- Cycles: improve OptiX viewport denoising performance with CUDA rendering. (Patrick Mours)
- VR: initial support for SteamVR on Windows, using the developer preview. (details) (Julian Eisel)