I have struggled with the basics in Python Scripting for maybe a decade, always seems I can’t get past step one.
I look for the most basic thing like a Windows Event Handler and give up pretty quickly thinking “Wow how can you miss that? I guess I’ll try again next year.”
Currently I looked at the API for 2.82.7 for the Base Class Space
while searching for an appropriate initial handler for the Window events. Often I just want to know when that window has become active so I can start to do things in an efficient way.
A Draw event is as bad as running a timer, completely inefficient and unacceptable to me as a coder since the early 1980s.
I just want to know also when the window is no longer active so there would typically be a bunch of events like WindowActive and WindowRelease.
This seems like as good a subject to start with. Anyway I am hopeful to finally understand the best Community Forum Pipeline (for inquiry, suggestions & discussion, and maybe even contribution) practices to find out where to make suggestions and figure I have found the latest best place for ‘Suggestions’ over here…
I think this must be the best place to ask before doing that there.
I think my issues are going to be mostly API related in someways hopefully if I can find the time to become more active in Blender becoming more in tune with my needs or expectations or visa versa (where I learn what in the world you guys are thinking!?) since what seemed like waiting for the obvious has dragged on for what feels like a decade but is definitely 4 years, since I started falling out of favor for Houdini (probably due to a lack of opensource thinking [note: I wish for a more procedural vision of Blender like Houdini is, however foolish that expectation ultimately really is]).
Okay so if there is not something obvious (you are aware of and someone can point out) about the API missing simple handler hooks for the most basic initial Window Events like ‘it has become active/released’ let me know so I can move forward with asking in the Feature Request area if that could be added, thanks.