"Why doesn't workspace.reorder_to_front() work in the latest Blender version?"

Hi, I’m encountering an issue with the bpy.ops.workspace.reorder_to_front() function in the latest Blender version. This code worked fine in Blender 3.0 but now seems to be broken. I’m trying to reorder a specific workspace to the front of the list. Here’s the simplified code I’m using:

import bpy
from bpy.types import Operator

class CustomAddAndReorderWorkspace(Operator):
    """Add and reorder a custom workspace"""
    bl_idname = "clarsen.add_reorder_workspace"
    bl_label = "Add Workspace"

    def execute(self, context):
        if bpy.context.workspace.name == "Archiblender":
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Project already started.")
            bpy.ops.workspace.append_activate(idname="Archiblender", filepath=bpy.utils.user_resource("SCRIPTS", path="addons\\Archiblender.blend"))

            # Reorder Archiblender workspace to front
            available_workspaces = bpy.data.workspaces
            bpy.ops.workspace.reorder_to_front({"workspace": available_workspaces["Archiblender"]})

        return {"FINISHED"}

# Registration and main function
def register():

def unregister():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Best report a bug if functionality stops working.