Volumes in Geometry Nodes [Proposal]

We talked about this proposal as part of the geometry nodes workshop at the Blender HQ. There are a few updates based on the meeting notes included in the first post.

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This seems like amazing additions that would help me a lot!
Would it also be an idea to add Frame inputs to some of the get/set grid nodes, similar to the Image Texture node for more intuitive sequence support?
Also, for my purposes having the Remove in Get Grid be a Selection boolean that can be false for Remove but can also have a boolean grid input would be amazing. Or maybe i misunderstood the Remove - is this to signify whether the grid fully is selected or is this whether you’re getting a copy vs a reference? If so, there is maybe a better naming scheme (to me, Remove Original or Copy would be clearer)

Question for devs - will this grid based geo nodes volume setup reinclude the SDF volume nodes eventually? Enabling “New Volume Nodes” for SDF nodes was by far my favorite experimental feature, but now it’s gone.

Love everything you’re doing and can’t wait for this volume system to be fully fleshed out. I have no doubt this will be the backbone for many groundbreaking experiments in physics and modeling in blender :smiley: The day I can do boolean subtractions with volumes I’ll be a very happy man

Yeah definitely, the proposal in the first post also contains some SDF specific nodes.

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I finally got around to checking these out and its really promising! I’ve always wanted to do volume sampling in Blender.

  1. I can color my mesh the correct color when going from volume to mesh
  2. I can now do particle surfing!

First. Look at it! I have a colored mesh from a volume using the volumetric data!

Particle Surfing

I loaded in an ocean temperature vectorfield dataset I created. Then using simulation nodes, spawned particles in and sampled the vectorfield and added that to their velocity. It’s so cool!

And since its geometry nodes there’s like endless ways to visualize the data.

I can color them based on acceleration

Based on vertical velocity

Scale them by age

A lot more stuff I don’t want to spam.

One bug I’ve noticed so far.

If you are using a VDB sequence the sampling doesn’t work for some use cases. For volume to mesh it works. But I decided to just spawn points in the volume and sample. the sampling fails when the frame changes. You have to connect the input → output then reconnect your nodetree again and then it samples again correctly.

Otherwise, I’m super excited!


I think unchecking “Remove” will make it not disappear.

You are absolutely correct