VFX & Video meeting notes 2023-09-12


  • Habib Gahbiche
  • Omar Emara
  • Richard Antalik
  • Sergey Sharybin




  • Omar worked on nodes imlementation for the GPU compositor

    • Implement Double Edge Mask node PR 112223
    • Implement Inpaint node PR 111792
      • Different from CPU
      • Need to look into strats to align with CPU behavior
    • Automatic transform realization PR 111216 PR 111213
  • The meeting went into discussion of the in-paint node

    • Implementation for GPU compositor is possible/in the works, but the result is different from the CPU compositor (since a different GPU-friendly algorithm is required)
    • Full-frame compositor has in-paint node, shall its algorithm be aligned with GPU? Or is it actually better to allow some differences? A deeper dive is needed.
  • Habib did further development on the SAT for the classic Kuwahara

  • Habib has fix for alpha channel difference in Kuwahara

  • Sergey investigates temporal stability of Kuwahara

  • Omar will look into GPU compositor run as offline pipeline w.r.t output resolution and scene resolution behavior

    • There is some difference in how difference in the configured scene resolution and actual compositor output is handled. Good solution for the viewer node purposes is needed.

Practical Info

This is a forthlightly video chat meeting for planning and discussion of VFX & Video in Blender. Any contributor (developer, UI/UX designer, writer, …) working on these areas in Blender is welcome to join and add proposed items to the agenda.

For users and other interested parties, we ask to read the meeting notes instead so that the meeting can remain focused.


Being DaVinci user with it’s clunky retiming operators, which is similar to mode proposed, I was mindblown with how fast I could work with original Retiming tool in 3.6 alpha. I still keep that version for when I want to use VSE because of how good it is. I never understood what UI problems were that stopped it from landing, but whatever mode is coming I doubt will be as good as that tool was.