Using a Mesh struct similar to blender with as_pointer() API?

I’m currently experimenting on a livebridge between blender and our studio game engine.
As an experiment, i wanted to write an exporter using C++ that could use the power of the as_pointer() method. Where could i find good example on how this can be done?

I find creating a struct similar to blender ( Mesh struct ) quite challenging. An example would be quite nice!

You can check how Cycles does it. Cycles is CPP and reads blender data using as_pointers via a Python wrapper.

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No, the Cycles approach is not something add-ons can do.

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Getting the Mesh as a C++ data structure is not really possible. You can get a pointer to it but the data structure layout is internal to Blender and frequently changes.

What you can do is get a pointer to the various position, normal, UV, … attribute arrays with .as_pointer() in Python and then process those in C++.

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Thank you so much for your answer

That would explain why i coudln’t find any


In the source code

neither any

typedef struct Mesh

Was it changed recently?

What kind of struct does lead to?

There is a DNA_mesh_types.h in the source code, and you can cast to Mesh* for mesh objects. It’s just going to break all the time as it is an internal data structure that frequently changes, it’s not part of the public API.

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Indeed found it

Are you suggesting that C API users should use each of these individually? ;; ; ;

Yes, that’s what other add-ons are doing. Note it needs to be data[0].as_pointer() instead of data.as_pointer().

I was thinking that via numpy was too slow for our project; but getting the memory adress of each Vertex individually seem quite un-productive

I’m sure many game engine developers would appreciate an efficient method to catch a Mesh struct quickly from C :smile:

You don’t need to get the address of every vertex individually, a pointer to the first element is a pointer to the entire array.


Hmm, but Cycles is an Addon isn’t it?

You don’t need to get the address of every vertex individually, a pointer to the first element is a pointer to the entire array.

Cycles seems being able to read whole depsgraph data
i see depsgraph.as_pointer() in Cycles addon source. And other Render engines need to loop over each objects, and each Loops/Edges/Polys/Verts/Uv’s ect… that seem slow (and a bit unfair :kissing:)

Thank you, will take a look
Curious about this luxcore approach

In context with the quote, the questions implies the following:
How can cycles can achieve things that other plugins can’t, if cycles is indeed implemented as a plugin.

Cycles has access to Blender internals because it is part of the Blender binary.

@JskJ You could get access to all internal struct by building your plugin C++ library within blender source code, and building your binaries alongside blender itself.

This week I was able to do so, see Example4, where I’m accessing the mesh structs only by passing the C.object.as_pointer() as an argument to my DLL :slight_smile:

But on the downside, you will need to create a DLL for each blender version you want to support and for each OS’s as well

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Thanks for the quick fix!

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My bad, forgot to indicate the license :slight_smile:
Anyway, i hope this project will be helpful for the few who wish to understand as_pointer()
