Trying to compile Blender-2.79b from source code on Debian-11.6.0-64-bit Linux. Having many problems. My system does not support openGL-3.0. I am using a converted 2008 MacBook that will tun 64-bit Linux in the native mode.
I am getting this error when trying to compile
/home/richard/src/blender-deps/OpenImageIO-1.7.15/src/include/OpenImageIO/unordered_map_concurrent.h:76:52: error: ‘hash’ in namespace ‘boost’ does not name a template type
I’m sorry, I don’t have much knowledge about this stuff, so I can’t really help you solve these issues. And I suspect you may have a large collection of issues to resolve due as you go on.
But if all you want is to get a version of Blender 2.79b so you use Blender on a older computer, you can just download it from the Blender website. Previous Versions —