Theme Development - Paper Cuts

nice investigation dude

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Thank you for explaining this ThinkingPolygons! And I think you are right that the Active Object or Object Selected should not affect the Wireframe viewport overlay color. It sounds like a straightforward solution to me. :wink:

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There is no option to adjust the color only of the grid in the node editor.

More detail would be helpful. A screenshot, and which existing theme color you think it should follow?


Unable to make the Node Editor > Node Backdrop a bright color. Some shading always remains.

Unable to theme the sockets of nodes.

Please use map the sockets to the corresponding node colors:

Color socket to Node Editor > Color Node
Vector socket to Node Editor > Vector Node
Shader socket to Node Editor > Shader node

I don’t know yet what will be the best color to use for the Number socket since there is really no such node. I’m thinking the Node Editor > Wires color makes the most sense if we don’t want to add an extra option in the Theme Editor. Any thoughts?

And does anyone know what the Node Editor > Selected Text controls?


Unable to control the shadows of nodes.
If no new settings are possible please use User Interface > Styles > Menu Shadow Strength & User Interface > Styles > Menu Shadow Width to at least have consistent shadows in the theme.

the text color of the top bar menus should be separated from the text color of the 3d view menus (and perhaps other areas)
it is currently an unique color and is found in
themes > user interface > puldown > Text

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Currently the Background of the Node Editor is stored here:

You can’t change the color of the grid itself instead i think it is half transparent and changes with the window background underneath.

The Solution would be to add like in the 3D View section of the Theme Editor the ability to change the Grid separately:


The color tab of the workspaces should be separated from the color tab of the property buttons
actually is unique color in Themes > user interface > Tab > inner

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these elements are called Text, they should have the right name,
they also affect multiple areas, should be separated and moved to their right with a better recognizable name.
Currently they are a unique color located in Themes > user interface > regular

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this, background color at the icon is not possible to manipulate it, and with certain themes it is ugly
(I’m not sure but maybe you can change between black and white, along with other icons, but I can’t no more find where it can be manipulated, and in any case it influences other areas that have nothing to do with and it’s a mess to change it without breaking other parts of the theme.)
if someone finds what manipulates it, highlight it.



I think this background indicates the active camera. And I can’t find a setting for it either. Do you know if there are other scenarios for this background to appear behind icons in the outliner?

if you notice carefully, even the lamp and the collection has this “exaltation circle” …
and honestly I do not understand the purpose :grin:
I find it only boring in some themes

better investigated
indicates the active Camera …

it should definitely be themeable

I agree this is confusing. I’d say the Collection Checkbox should use the User Interface > Option settings. The others seem like some sort of a regular icon color. And I’m not sure how happy UI developers are right now about renaming items. And it’s already theme-able :wink:

meanwhile the list is there, then someone will have fun correcting these little mistakes little by little …
this is part of the same process of reordering and cleaning that has been done in general throughout the blender ui, this sector is clearly seen that it has not yet been touched

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What if the Outliner > active camera icon background color is linked to the 3D View > Object Keyframe Will that be a good ‘use-what-you-got’ solution?

You propose, useless to ask me for an opinion, if you think it makes more sense in terms of cataloging and identifying the elements I think it’s OK…
Then we need to see what the Official ui desinger and the devs think.

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I don’t think that’s a good idea. They are unrelated.

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Yeah, you’re right, they are. I’ll put it as add Outliner > Active Camera rgba on the list.