Sculpt Mode feedback

in 2.79 it worked a lot better.

It would be nice if the Face Sets by Normals had an “Angle” property, so we can choose the angle which a new Face Set will be created… :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh! That makes it way better.

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Is it out of the question to add Zbrush navigation options and to implement the zbrush transpose tool? Very useful for setting units and measuring quickly as well as manipulation. If it could use it’s own units and not change blenders that would be the most ideal.

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Transpose tool yes! Zbrush navi as option and not as replacement!
There is ruler in blender that helps measuring but is not perfect so it could be improved.

Yeah, the measure tool should be some sort of object helper like empties.
I don’t know if they did it the first time for experimenting but it can be useful in different areas of Blender.

Not only is the transpose good for measuring but also very good for creating masks and manipulating geometry. I know zbrush has a traditional widget now but Transpose is still a useful tool for scaling and moving/rotating. I still use it more than their “new” widget lol

And I think setting the unit size with the transpose tool is great, you can measure a head you sculpted and then set that to “1” unit and then you can measure the rest of your sculpt in head units. Very very useful.


I think a more practical solution than a transpose tool would be to improve the already existing Transform tools. A big issue with them right now is the severe lack of free form movement that would allow you to put them wherever you want, including the inside of the mesh. Being able to set the pivot to the masked border and other settings are nice, but can’t replace a free form solution. This is however not unique to Sculpt Mode, but for all of Blender.


Transpose in blender would be amazing, especialy now as we have more masking tools.

You can still use zbrush workflow for measuring and setting units, there is ruler/protractor but its so unpolished.

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Say you want your scene to stay in Meters, are you able to use the ruler to use custom units without effecting everything else? or does it set the Blender scene to those units? Ideally when sculpting you want your world units not to change in Blender but you want to use the custom units for measuring, if you get what I mean.

Well, we can improve those and then add transpose. Although if you were to ask me I find the current widget/transform system to be good enough (like you can set your snapping mode to volume if you want to move something within an object) and in terms of sculpting the transpose system is much more flexible. The transpose system would also have benefits like measuring and what not that can also be used outside of sculpt mode.

Just had a go at the new Surface Smooth mode. I like it very much. Thanks Pablo! :+1: I’m going to use this a whole lot.

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One thing I think would be very useful for Sculpt Mode specifically would be a menu next to Dyntopo and Remesh called Decimate. I am currently developing a simple Python script on my own where I optimise my sculpting performance by running the Decimate modifier so it is destructive and only decimates when the mesh is above 150k vertices, which I found to be the sweet spot based on my own testing. I think it is super useful for keeping Blender smooth without losing that much detail on my sculpts. Makes retopology easier and QuadriFlow becomes a lot more stable since it doesn’t need to run on meshes with millions of vertices. When a model is decimated to around 100-200k vertices QuadriFlow runs very smooth with reasonable results for what it can accomplish.

In combination with Dyntopo I can always ensure that Sculpt Mode runs smooth and optimised. Dyntopo may not be as powerful as Sculptris Pro in ZBrush, but it is primarily a shape builder tool. The Decimate modifier produces some really nice looking results and I could see all three decimate options work well for different tasks while sculpting.


Would implementing Ptex be applicable now that vertex painting is getting a huge update? Not sure if the sculpt thread is the right place for this kind of a request but it somewhat relates.

ASAIK Ptex has an incompatible Lisence (it’s opensource but still copyrighted by Disney)

Ah okay, I knew it was open source but that license doesn’t seem like it would prevent Blender from using the library?

Just had a go at the new Voxel mode in the Remesh modifier in the latest 2.83 alpha build. I quite like the workflow. I’d even dare to call it a potentially interesting alternative to Dyntopo, because it allows you to keep, adjust and delete separate parts, as opposed to Dyntopo’s destructiveness.

Using the Remesh modifier you can now turn every mesh shape into a metaball. This was of course already possible using the old Remesh modifier, but I disliked that because of the way it generated geometry and because of its slowness.

A few wishes:

  • I’d love to see the Fix Poles and Preserve Volume options added.
  • A way to assign Boolean subtraction to parts would make it very powerful.

@brecht @pablodp606
Sry if it is not totally clear what i mean my motherlanguage is german, but i am giving my best to communicate it clearly.

About Multires:

  1. Please keep the reshape functionality. It has the additional benefit to work on a duplicated mesh with multires applied to have less lag while sculpting. i use it like that for clothbrush for example to have less lag. or if i have a very beefy and complicated material-setup, that drains too much memory and performance otherwise. In that case I just duplicate the mesh(maybe even copy it to an empty scene if needed) apply multires and kill all materials. That way i can sculpt with ease and even check the shape inside eevee with lighting and shadows but without the need to switch or change materials. after i finish my work with clothbrush e.g. i can then simply reshape the original multires object. Maybe i do not use it as it is intended, but i find it very useful that way.

  2. An Suggestion for Multires by me would be to unify the way the different subdivision methods (Multires, Subdiv modifier and Subdiv inside editmode) affect vertex order. It would be nice to have the possibility to take an boxmodeled mesh (with normal subdiv modifier, creased edges,dicplacement by texture etc. included) and then reshape an multires object (duplicated without modifiers and then multires modifier added) with it if they share the same vertex order in the original mesh before any modifiers.

  3. Another thing i wish for a long time inside blender is a “reconstruct Subdiv” function inside multires as it is possible inside Zbrush. That would be truely fantastic to rework boxmodeled and subdivided meshes and give them that way some additional manual pollish. E.G. scratches and bumps and such, without loosing the ability to go into edit mode and change the original shape of the simple unsubdivided version. keeping the vertex order/count to the original unsubdivided mesh.
    That would open up alot of possibilities for flexible workflows.
    Hope it is clear what i am trying to say. otherwise i can try to elaborate on that again.

I personally don’t see a good reason to remove this functionality, I don’t expect it will be removed.

I would expect the vertex order to already be the same? As far as I know it’s the same code for all 3 cases.

Not sure I understand correctly, but isn’t it already possible to go in edit mode and change the shape, and then detail added by multires is automatically preserved?

Or is this about adding an “unsubdivide” operator that can take a high res subdivided mesh and turn it into a multires mesh again?

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This is planned.

There will be a separate Voxel Mesher modifier for that, the Remesh modifier will remain strictly for remeshing the object itself.