Sculpt Mode feedback

I use a texture with “Rake on” and the “Size Y scaled” to get these harder edges on the strokes.


There is tradeoff.
You can use good engine and smooth transition with SDFs, and lay the surface exact at the level.
Or you will have bumpy surface with mesh-SDF and voxels.
Voxel remesher exist already.

The other possibility is to trace mesh-sdf not from its points and not from distributed points but right from faces. BUT idk if there is a paper, that suggests high-perfomance calculation for this way. I suppose, something nice for low-poly exist.

Yup, it is better. I even made my own profile erlier

But it is still not so sharp, and it is still only displacement, without option to make real «cut» in surface. Compare:


Yeah, but metaballs in Blender are limited and have barely been developed during the past years.

Do some of you use the Clay Thumb brush?
I tried to use it for some time now, but still I do have problems to use it productively.

One main issue seems to be that the Clay Thumb brush does follow the geometry relief, just like the Draw brush. It makes the brush hard to control result shape in cavities or hills.

Wouldn’t it make sense, if the Clay Thumb brush treats cavities/hills like Clay Strips brush? That way the Clay Thumb brush gets a fluid stroke and carves through the mesh without being too much influenced by its cavities/hills.

A video comparing the Clay Thumb brush with the Clay Strips brush


They are powerful but strange and design around em is outdated.
I hope someone will push em up. It looks like there is literally no products, that can make smooth surfaces from SDF.
Magica CSG — voxelizer.
Voxelremesher — too
So both make chunky results.
SDF editor is just raymarcher, so it do not produce mesh-surface.


Regarding multiple 3D Viewports open at the same time (or quad view), I was wondering if the impossibility of multiple Viewports refresh/update in real time (as it happens in Edit Mode) is due to an old intentional limitation considering the low power of old GPUs. Or is this a limitation that has no solution due to the current design of Sculpt Mode and 3D Viewport?

I ask this because for example in Sculpt Mode we still have “Fast Navigate” enabled by default when nobody could prove that it has any advantage with not too old hardware. So it would be nice to have real-time multi viewport updates in Sculpt Mode if this is due to intentional limitations imposed for very old hardware.

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for tutorial reasons, something else, or just for the sake of it?
i dont miss it that much tbh

To have realtime viewport feedback with different views/settings during the modeling/sculpt/creation process


why not? :+1:

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