Scene_intersect() returns uninitialized Ng

I’m porting an OSL line shader to cycles svm and while I got depth and object based line detection working, I can’t figure out how to retrieve the normal from a scene-ray intersection test.

The Intersection struct filled by scene_intersect() doesn’t writes anything to Intersection.Ng .

I have tried to retrieve the normal with the triangle_point_normal() function, but I get primitive index out of range errors.

Here’s the svm shader :



typedef struct OutlineResult
  float max_depth;
  float min_dot;
  float contour;
} OutlineResult;

ccl_device_noinline OutlineResult svm_outline(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, ccl_addr_space PathState *state, float width)
  OutlineResult result;
  result.max_depth = 0.0f;
  result.min_dot = 1.0f;
  result.contour = 0.0f;

  /* Early out if no sampling needed. */
  if (/*num_samples < 1 ||*/ sd->object == OBJECT_NONE) {
    return result;

  /* Can't raytrace from shaders like displacement, before BVH exists. */
  if (kernel_data.bvh.bvh_layout == BVH_LAYOUT_NONE) {
    return result;

  float3 offsets[4] = {
    make_float3(-1, -1, 0),
    make_float3(-1, 1, 0),
    make_float3(1, -1, 0),
    make_float3(1, 1, 0)

  float max_depth = 0.0;
  float min_dot = 1.0;
  bool contour = false;

  float3 trace_start = sd->P + sd->I * sd->ray_length;
  float P_distance = sd->ray_length;

  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    float3 trace_target = sd->P + offsets[i].x * width * sd->dI.dx + offsets[i].y * width * sd->dI.dy;
    float3 trace_direction = normalize(trace_target - trace_start);

    Ray ray;
    ray.P = trace_start;
    ray.D = trace_direction;
    ray.t = 1000000000000.0;  // TODO
    ray.time = sd->time;
    ray.dP = sd->dP;
    ray.dD = differential3_zero();

    Intersection intersection;
    if (scene_intersect(kg, &ray, PATH_RAY_CAMERA, &intersection))
      float delta_depth = intersection.t - P_distance;
      max_depth = max(max_depth, delta_depth);

      //if (dot(trace_direction, sd->Ng) > dot(trace_direction, intersection.Ng))
      //if (delta_depth > 0)
        Transform hit_transform = object_fetch_transform(
            kg, intersection.object, OBJECT_TRANSFORM);

        printf("Ng: %f, %f, %f\n", intersection.Ng.x, intersection.Ng.y, intersection.Ng.z);
        float3 hit_P;
        float3 hit_Ng;
        int hit_shader;


        float3 hit_normal = transform_direction(&hit_transform, hit_Ng);
        hit_normal = normalize(hit_normal);
        min_dot = min(min_dot, dot(sd->Ng, hit_normal));
        printf("Ng: %f, %f, %f, WNg : %f, %f, %f\n",
        if (intersection.object != sd->object)
          contour = true;
      max_depth = 1000000000000.0;
      min_dot = -1.0f;
      contour = true;

  result.max_depth = max_depth;
  result.min_dot = min_dot;
  if (contour) result.contour = 1.0f;

  return result;

ccl_device void svm_node_outline(
    KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, ccl_addr_space PathState *state, float *stack, uint4 node)
  uint width_offset, depth_offset, dot_offset, object_offset;
  svm_unpack_node_uchar4(node.y, &width_offset, &depth_offset, &dot_offset, &object_offset);

  float width = stack_load_float(stack, width_offset);
  OutlineResult result = svm_outline(kg, sd, state, width);

  if (stack_valid(depth_offset)) {
    stack_store_float(stack, depth_offset, result.max_depth);
  if (stack_valid(dot_offset)) {
    stack_store_float(stack, dot_offset, result.min_dot);
  if (stack_valid(object_offset)) {
    stack_store_float(stack, object_offset, result.contour);

#endif /* __SHADER_RAYTRACE__ */


I’m using the AO and Bevel nodes as reference, but I guess I’m missing something.