Patch to add more options to "Render Audio"

Hello everyone. :slight_smile:

Not really a feature request, since I already implemented it on my local build of Blender, but I wonder if it might interest you to be implemented in retail.

It bothered me that some options in the “Render Audio” panel were moved to the “Output/FFMPEG” section; it makes more sense to be able to choose the “Channel Number”, or the “Sample Rate” while rendering audio… so I implemented them back, and the result looks like this in the “Render Audio” dialog:

What do you think? Could it be implemented in the main branch of Blender?


You can send pull request and next conversation will be in PR with more context.

Yess, it would make sense to be able to modify the bitrate, encoding, sample rate, audio channel

I use this often when sending edits to the attention of my composer colleagues (singling out voice tracks so they can sync their music accurately), so any improvement to rendering audio has my blessing. Thanks !

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The pull request is up there:

Thank you to all, I’m glad if this can improve the overall workflow of some people! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Pop in the in sequencer module chat and ask for review. Leaving it stray might never catch someones eye.

Alright, I just did this.

It has been merged in the main branch.
Thank you for your support!


Thanks for this contribution !

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