Hello Nathan! Here’s my feedback:
Collection exclude button
- Currently the exclude button cuts the text and data also of objects below, it would be nice to reduce it only to the collection text.
- I repost here a suggestion made in the previous thread that it’s worth pointing out, regarding box selection: GSoC 2020: Outliner Discussion and Suggestions - #571 by John1
- I think that just dragging modifiers/etc. from one object to the other shouldn’t copy them, but transfer them to that object, and instead use shift/ctrl/alt + drag to actually duplicate and have them on both objects.
- I think that copying all the modifiers/etc. shouldn’t happen only when we select the parent element, but also when we select all the modifiers with shift and/or ctrl: currently, even if we select multiple modifiers and we drag them, only the last selected modifier it’s copied. This can permit also to drag multiple specific modifiers, and not simply all of them.
- I think that pressing delete on the modifiers/etc. should delete the elements and not the entire object, like with parents.
For the rest, thanks for the all improvements (and for quickly implementing the dashed lines for parents, the proposal on RCS was mine! XD). Can’t wait to see Outliner/Properties syncing implemented in 2.92!!!