Nvidia Prime is here, But cuda not found!

You can create a custom launcher from the KDE launcher (icon bottom left on panel). Right mouse button on the icon and Edit Applications to open KDE Menu Editor. Then you create a new entry for Blender-RenderOffload, and in “Command” field you should add something like this:

Assuming you have downloaded blender in /home/YOUR_USER/ , you should replace /YOUR_USER/BLENDER_FOLDER/ with your real Linux user, and the location of the folder where “blender” file/binary is located.


Then you read about “File Associations” methods in KDE to associate .blend files with the custom launcher you just created:

You notice that the first launcher in the list will be the default when you double click on .blend files. But you don’t need to put the “Blender-RenderOffload” launcher that you created first on the list. You can just create another launcher for the default “blender” and put it first in the list, and then you will have the following launchers available from Dolphin file explorer when you right-click on a .blend file, open with…

For Me Screen tearing is not a driver issue, it’s issue of opengl. The default system setting -> display & montor -> compositor is using rending backend openGL 2.0. Which causing problem, so I changed it openGL 3.1 and it solved my animation issue. Screen-tearing is way less then before. Everything seems works, But blender still unable to detect any gpu for path tracing.

Because of Time limit — I edited this and adding here…

Yes, latest blender downloaded form blender website is detect the cuda enabled gpu for path tracing. This is issue of Ubuntu, I going to report this. That’s the end closing the issue. Thanks for helping. You guys are really awesome.

Forgive my insistence, but I think you did not answer before. Are you using official Blender downloaded from Blender site (tar.xz package)?
Was CUDA detected before you tried to use PRIME? (NVIDIA - Performance mode)

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That is why I had insisted that it was very important.
I don’t think you need to report this. Official Blender includes precompiled CUDA kernels. Ubuntu Blender packages do not include precompiled CUDA kernels, and this is an intentional decision from Ubuntu maintainers. For ubuntu packages to work, you must install cuda toolkit which are basically for developers, but allow Blender to compile CUDA kernels on your system. If you are going to use official Blender (which is what Blender developers recommend), you don’t need to install cuda toolkit.


I’ve googled the way to run Debian blender build with CUDA support: Blender, CUDA and Linux: the happy-end story - Analytics Vidhya - Medium

TL;DR: you must have /usr/bin/cuda-gcc installed.

fox@aiur:~$ apt-file search /usr/bin/cuda-gcc
nvidia-cuda-toolkit-gcc: /usr/bin/cuda-gcc