New Sky Texture

Patch is ready for review!!


Congratulations! :clap:


Windows Build (Test it!)

Well done, @nacioss just tested the windows build, even with the issues mentioned here of the MIS (which is not your fault) I believe this patch is production quality worthy!!

Not sure if the devs will approve it without the Eevee support, but 5* for the cycles support so far.


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I made a macOS build on GraphicAll if any macOS users want to give this a try.

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@nacioss thank you for your work and sorry for my comments on the review page. Actually I wasn’t aware of this discussion here.
With precomputation do you still use 11 wavelengths model? It looks quite different than 81 one.

No problem :wink:

Yes it still does, and you see a difference because i’ve put the 2 images one below the other and this gives the illusion to the eyes that it’s quite different, try this, try to open them in a new browser tab and then switch between them to see that the difference is really subtle

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Did that already, but that’s not the point. Problem is that lower part of the sky differs mostly (it’s more saturated and more towards cyan) and when rendering ground level views with focal lenght about 30mm and having camera leveled this part of the sky will be lot more pronounced. Need to do quick test to show this.

Ok, waiting to see the results, meanwhile we are doing the precomputation part multithreaded so that we could maybe make use of 21 wavelengths instead of 11 :wink:

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Perhaps make it a variable? if people wanting to pay the extra time to compute let them select however many they want?

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Making the wavelengths selectable is tricky since the spectra are hardcoded as arrays.

Instead, I’d prefer exposing the sky resolution and/or maybe the samples used by the precomputation as variables.

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Really hard coding the particular values needed for wavelength sampling seems like something that could fairly easily be solved (just by storing the whole spectrum and sampling it where necessary), then the wavelength sample count could be variable. There’s no need to increase samples per map pixel (since they’ll always return the same result) but map size could also be increased. I can imagine a simple ‘high quality’ checkbox could do both simultaneously.

Ah, yeah, the “samples” part was not clear - in the code, that refers to the number of steps taken through the volume as part of the single-scatter integrator, not samples in the usual MC sense.

As for the spectrum - yeah, we could use a denser representation (or some polynomial fit etc.), true.

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Ah got it, I had forgotten about the volumetric samples. True, this could also improve the quality of things, though I wonder how far its worth pushing single scatter before just jumping over to multi scatter (except that the math becomes harder).

The current implementation also seems like it might be tied to sRGB (though I haven’t looked in detail, this might no longer be the case) which might become an issue, so a more generic ‘n wavelength samples then map to x colour space’ seems like a nice scalable approach

No it’s not, the algorithm is only transforming to XYZ color space and then makes use of the xyz_to_rgb Blender built in function to transform to linear sRGB.

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Absolutely not, think if this choice was decided for every node in Blender, wouldn’t make sense at all, this is the part that the typical user don’t need and shouldn’t care about.
Another thing, those hardcoded arrays are just the output of some formula i have, but converted to hardcoded because using ccl_static_constant doesn’t allow to store the results of a computed formula… but now you changed the code and… we have to talk about that in private chat.

I also don’t think the sky should have any unnecessary technical parameters. It doesn’t have them in other offline renderers, there’s no reason Cycles should have them.

This only applies as long as the performance is optimal. Given that sky models of comparable quality can be rendered in real time (60+ FPS) in modern game engines, the sky here should not have any noticeable amount of overhead compared to a simple solid color background (aside from the overhead by importance sampling of the sun disc of course).

So yeah, in a nutshell, no cryptic multipliers and knobs belong there, but at the same time, performance has to be on point.

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Apart the fact that this sky doesn’t work in Eevee (and don’t think i will implement it in Eevee anytime soon), and so in Cycles it can be acceptable to have a bit more of lag (lower than 60 fps), i agree with what you said, users don’t need such parameters like wavelengths or samples, also a quality slider isn’t necessary if the sky is already fast enough.

I’ve made a quick, dirty test using pngs from above, 30mm camera with some shift. The difference is not that pronounced but visible: 81w version is more saturated and hues are shifted towards cyan. I can’t test other sun angles, but maybe you can generate some low-res HDRIs?

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Thank you for the test, the difference is still subtle, we for sure will consider using 21 wavelengths instead of 11

If there’s an optimal balance between performance and quality, exposing no controls is the ideal case.

That being said, if the quality at an acceptable performance is visibly different from the ‘perfect case’, then I would consider exposing an option somewhere in the engine for using a higher quality mode. Any visible difference in a default render is going to be exacerbated by any post processing that’s done to the render result.