New Sky Texture

I imagine something like this:
User can link the Elevation&Rotation to a Sun in the scene (fields in the nodeget greyed out) ; the sun (object) color, strenght and size are overtaken by the sky node (or the user could just plug the same sky texture into sun’s emit node?); then with an easy light path trick (or visibility checkmarks) the user could set diffuse/glossy at wish to avoid ugly fireflies


nah, these are all specific cases so sorry but won’t do that. As the spectral guy said, a quick fix would be to set the Multiple Importance map to a bigger size, i’ve seen that 2048 works well for most cases.

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When rendering a 360 panoramic camera, I get a white line at the top of the image.
Switching camera to Mirror Ball reveals other white pixels in the sky.
No matter if the sun disc is on or off.
Any idea what would cause that?

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The only missing part so far, is sun-driven elevation rotation in the node. Maybe I explained it badly :grimacing:

Thank you for testing and for pointing it out, i will fix it soon!


There is this open task about fireflies in environment maps. Probably related.

You’re crazy fast, man! :smile: Hope it makes to 2.90. Love the progress.


@nacioss can we spam in this thread with test results on not-so-scientific scenes and materials?

That sounds like something anyone could easily contribute an addon for, if it’s just translating the sun lamp transform to rotation/elevation on the shader node.

Yeah why not :slight_smile: I appreciate any kind of feedback/usage

I’m not sure where we’re going with this “not-so-scientific scenes” but lets try to keep it appropriate for all ages.

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The fireflies are the biggest issue that I found.

Dust 10

Dust 0


That’s why denoisers exist, also you can disable the sun disc for that reason.
Yeah, from dust 0 to 10 there isn’t a huge difference, probably it’s better to allow the dust to reach 100…

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You can now go crazy with the hazyness of the atmosphere, just multiplied the Mie Scattering density by 10.
This changes how the sky would look with Density 1, which will be like the Nishita sky model, until now i’ve divided the density by 10 because we get a more “clear sky”, but reintroducing a wider range for Dust density will help people get more hazy results if they want.


Would it be possible, to aside from slider have inputs on atmosphere, dust and ozone?
Like inputs that can take texture for example?

Hi. I understand that fireflies tend to disappear when you increment render samples. In this case there are weird big square dots that don’t tend to disappear when samples are incremented:

Perhaps some problem with Transmission or Displacement in this example.
Anyway I suppose that when you submit the diff officially, Cycles developers are going to review this and determine if it is a bug or not.

By the way, the problem occurs even with Sun Disc disabled.

Apparently the problem only occurs with CPU. I was using GPU (CUDA) + CPU on my machine (That could explain why sometimes I got only one dot/firefly). In the blend file above switch from GPU to CPU.

Hey @nacioss I really like what you’re doing. Thank you.

However, I have a bug to report. When the sun elevation is set to just below the horizon (E.G. between -4.0 and -8.0 degrees), the entire scene blows out. I was rendering using CPU. Tested with both a Ryzen 9 3900X and Intel i5-8400 on Windows with a build provided by @LazyDodo.

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To go along with my other bug report. Setting the altitude to some large value (E.G. 50000m) and disabling the sun disk also produces the same blown out lighting issue.

Thank you for reporting, didn’t notice that issue but wait for the build of tomorrow and it shouldn’t have it anymore

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I will test with the up coming build and report back with my results (when it is avaliable).

Thank you for all the work you’ve done. This is a really nice addition to Cycles.