New Sky Texture

Update: No its not. Mapping node doesnt work reliable, at least with the older build from 11th June.
It seems to disable the sundisc for random frames. Is this a bug, can someone confirm?


You have to use the hardlocked sun rotation if you want to animate “sun rotation” and “sun elevation” together. Which makes animating with interpolations other then linear tedious if not impossible.

Could we pls have no lock for sunrotation and a soft lock for sun elevation? <3

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Other question for me : I’m writing an add-on that could really use this new sky. Do you think the api is locked?

nothing is certain yet, i would wait for it to be committed in master first. Waiting for Brecht to review it though.


This is a known issue and Lukas Stockner made a patch that was suppose to fix it on June 11th. It’s possible the fix didn’t make it into the build you downloaded or isn’t working properly. Are you able to test a newer build?


Yep! tested it with yesterdays build too, same issue.

That’s concerning.

@nacioss I may need to run some more tests.

@rbx775 would you be willing to run some quick tests?

  1. Does this issue occur when rendering with CPU, GPU, or both? (Assuming you have a GPU you can test will). If you render with your GPU, please tell us what you used (CUDA, OptiX, or OpenCL).
  2. Would you be willing to build Blender yourself to make sure everything is up to date? This can be done by following the build for your operating system here. Once you’ve got everything setup, download the diff file from here by selecting the “Download Raw diff” button. Once that’s downloaded, just run in the command git apply /path/to/downloaded/diff inside the Blender source folder then build Blender again and you should now have the new sky texture.
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I can’t access the file, please could you share it publicly without restrictions? I would like to test it

Wops, strange, I updated the link again:

Sure, Im happy to help! Will look into it later today!
Oh, and to elaborate on my setup: Win10 & Optix I have the newest nvidia Drivers and SkyTexture build. :slight_smile:

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No need to build Blender by yourself really, since the build you are trying contains the latest features. Thanks for the link

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Testing with the file I’m able to reproduce the sun disappearing issue on Linux with my personal build with the latest diff by Lukas Stockner with OptiX and CUDA on my GTX 1050Ti and with CPU rendering on my Ryzen 9 3900X.

Edit: Ignore all this. Mis-understanding my results.

One extra observation I can make is that it seems to be related to the mapping node. If you go to a frame where the issue occurs (E.G. 37 on my computer) and start changing the ‘Sun rotation’ on the sky node, it will always produce issues. But once you remove the mapping node, everything’s fine again.

I recon Lukas’ fix worked, but isn’t taken into consideration when a mapping node is connected. Just speculating.

@lukasstockner97 i confirm, there is the issue if using a mapping node, could it be because the algorithm samples the sun position based only on the sliders in the Sky Texture Node?

I personally disabled the lock for sun rotation in a custom build of mine and it causes issues with the sky (E.G. The sky texture is missing the “haze” (I don’t know the exact name) around the sun once you go past 3Pi rotations). I suspect the model of the sky would need a bit of reworking to fix this.

Reading the code i think i found where the sampling stuff is happening, if so then it’s obviously taking only the Sky Texture parameters to decide the sun position, meaning if you use other nodes to rotate the sky it samples the sun position like if there aren’t any other nodes.

That’s interesting as the sun does change when you use the mapping node (the shadows change direction to match the rotation made).

Maybe I’m just mis-understanding some stuff.

Sorry for polluting the thread. Played a little with the recent linux build.
This is probably the most usless thing to do with Sky texture, but I wanted to test if you can use multiple of them in one scene. And you can:

After adding some roughness to the material most of the sun disks are noisy except the ones that are at 60deg. I don’t know if this is due to my node fun, or its something else. Thought it might be good to post it here.


Hmm, it’s hard to tell without the file, please can you share it here?

Weird that this site don’t support .blend attachments.
sky.blend.txt (633.4 KB)

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I noticed you plugged the Sky Texture color output directly into the Shader input of the Add Shader nodes, this is wrong as an Output color should always be connected to an Input color. Said that yes, i still get the issue, i will have to talk with Lukas about that all, thank you for testing.


Also love Marrtins Upitis realization