More Evaluation Required for Screen Area Docking

I’ve tried this out and I have no complaints, suggestions, critiques, or anything else. It’s perfect and I want it. Please merge it :wink:


Re: drag to nothing to remove. My own habits and behaviors might also preclude that feature.

Starting with the default layout, I will often drag Timeline to its minimum size to get it out of the way and will drag it back again when I need it. However, when I drag that thing down I overshoot with my mouse by a lot. As in I can drag down past the bottom edge of Blender by as much as a couple hundred pixels before I let go. So it would be hard to find a threshold over which I would expect it to be removed.


That’s a really great point. Would annoy the heck out of me if I drag something I wanted to keep to make it larger, and then it just disappeared.

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In perfect world I always wanted to be able to double-click on editor border to collapse it to the state that you’re talking about, and drag it to remove. In your example you would double-click on border to collapse it instead of dragging it down, would make your life easier too, and would also allow easy way to remove editors.

Problem would be how to display collapsed states when editor is collapsed vertically. That needs a design.

But I would suggest to leave work about editor removals for another PR, so that this one can be merged easily. Approving seems to be ridiculously hard task for UI module