Missing dll files after compiling a modified blender

Hello everyone ,

I am having few problems installing a modified version of blender .

I am trying to build this modified blender version from this repo GitHub - dzigaVertov/vertov_blender: My experiments with the blender source code .

I figuired it out it’s based on blender 2.93 … since it has the following code on the BKE_blender_version.h file :


and used pre compiled libraries from this command:

svn checkout https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/tags/blender-2.93-release/lib/win64_vc15/  lib/win64_vc15

I used visual studio community 2019 and cmake version 3.17.2

I managed to configure and generate the project with cmake gui like instructed in the blender documentation(Manual CMake setup)

then I opened blender solution with visual studio 2019 community , I built the solution and then built the ALL_Build project and after that I built the INSTALL project , with turning off all BUILD Events commands to avoid an error (Error MSB3073)

After successfully building all the project , I get the msg about missing dll files when I try to execute blender
tbb_debug.dll , openvdb_d.dll , python39_d.dll and avcodec-58.dll

Hard to say what’s happening here, thing that sticks out is with turning off all BUILD Events commands to avoid an error the INSTALL phase copies all required files to the right place (including but not limited to dll’s), if you disabled bunch of things in there it’s not overly surprising you are missing things.

I’d probably look into why that was failing, on the other hand, it’s only 4 dll’s and you should be able to find those manually form your lib folder rather easily, copying them over manually is always an option.