Howdy all, I’m interested in changing the menu mouse over behavior in Blender. I don’t like the default of not being able to switch to a different menu when one is already open. Can somebody point me to which part of the Blender code handles this? Thanks!
You probably don’t need to code for that behavior I think. You can simply set in Preferences the speed at which the menu opens on hover to the minimum, and get a similar result.
Thanks! That’s an improvement in some cases, but often menus still refuse to open depending on what angle you move the mouse towards them. Looks like something that would have to be changed in the code.
Hmm, looks like this behavior might be handled in source/blender/editors/interface/ What seems to be happening is the initial mouse out from an open menu doesn’t close the menu. Only a second mouse move outside the menu closes it. In other words: click menu → mouse move to inside menu → mouse move to outside menu → menu stays → move mouse again → menu closes.