Making sense of cryptomatte usage in third party programs

looks great! :+1:
One thought from what I see in the video demo (havenā€™t tested it): In my experience, it is really common that you want to create a mask out of a bunch of elements at a time, and maybe they are all separated. I think it would be a nice addition if the add and remove tool could stay active and the user didnā€™t need to go and click it every single time, just keep adding/removing objects as you click+drag the eyedropper over the image (if you just click and release, it would work as it does in the demo video).
I think from a UX perspective it would be much better.
But nevertheless, great job!

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I was thinking of that last week, but havenā€™t looked into it yet. Need to check with ui team if that fits within the design guidelines. Bit would be a good addition.

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Just thought of bringing this here although I left a message on, not sure If its a bug or feature request.
Basically as it stands Blender render output with cryptomatte is not compatible with Nuke (nuke has native cryptomatte support for a while now)
I spent a few hours going through this test, comparing the test files supplied here with the latest versions of Nuke (2.93 and 3.0 Alpha)
I narrowed down the problem to how the metadata tags with the cryptomatte settings are built.
The first issue is regarding the view layer naming, if it has a space it will need to have an underscore on the name metadata tag for the cryptomatte layers.
The second issue is that the . separator between the view layer name and the cryptomatte layer is not supported by Nuke so basically that . separator also needs to become an underscore.
As an example here is what the current metadata tag for the cryptomate layer is and how it should be in order to work in Nuke.
View Layer.CryptoMaterial should be>> View_Layer_CryptoMaterial.
Basically no spaces, nor dots.
Ive come to this conclusions by manually editing the metadata keys.

have you tried using the latest cryptomatte version? Itā€™s true what you say, but they fixed it some versions ago. here is the closed report

yeah, unfortunately, for some reason i dont understand, the foundry version of the cryptomatte plugin doesnt have that fix for the Blender renders.


Yes, tried with Nuke 13.1v5 and it doesnt work, only if i change manually the metadata (replacing . with _), so im 100% sure its not working. They pretty much disregarded the Psyop changes since 1.24, gone!