"Make Update" Error, required libraries not found

First time trying to build Blender on windows 10 and when trying to run the “make update” command in my blender directory I get this output in the command:

Error: Required libraries not found at ““C:\Users\Fernando\481581doc\blender…\lib\win64_””
This is needed for building, aborting
This is most likely caused by svn.exe not being available.

Ive already installed SlikSVN to try and resolve this but I continue to get the same message.

svn needs to be available in the path

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Hello and thank you for the suggestion, I still might be a bit confused. I checked my environment variables and I have it in my path already, unless you mean i should have installed it inside the directory where i have the blender source code.

No just in the path should do it, when you type svn --version on the console does it work?

Yes, just checked and that worked fine, version 1.12.0.

Edit: Just ran make update and it worked up until i got this new message

The system cannot find the path specified.
svn: E155007: ‘C:\Users\Fernando\481581doc\blender’ is not a working copy directory
svn: E170000: URL ‘https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/lib/win64_’ doesn’t exist

can you give the output of make verbose update ?

svn : “C:\Program Files\SlikSvn\bin\svn.exe”
cmake : “C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe”
ctest : “C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\ctest.exe”
git : “C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe”
python : “C:\Users\Fernando\481581doc\blender\…\lib\win64_vc15\python\37\bin\python.exe”
No explicit msvc version requested, autodetecting version.
Detecting msvc 2017
Visual Studio 2017 is not detected
Detecting msvc 2019
Visual Studio 2019 is not detected
Detecting msvc 2015
Visual Studio 2015 on Win64 detected at “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC”
Visual Studio 2015 msbuild found
Visual Studio 2015 C/C++ Compiler found
Visual Studio 2015 Detected successfully
Compiler Detection successful, detected VS2015
Library Directory = ““C:\Users\Fernando\481581doc\blender…\lib\win64_””
The required external libraries in “C:\Users\Fernando\481581doc\blender…\lib\win64_” are missing
Would you like to download them? (y/n)y
Downloading win64_ libraries, please wait.
svn: E170000: URL ‘https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/lib/win64_’ doesn’t exist

This is output after running that command.

VS 2015 is no longer supported, but i somehow never updated make.bat to error out on it, I’ll get that patched up.

You need either VS2019 or VS2017 installed with the Desktop Development with C++ workload selected during installation.

Ahhh okay, so then try installing VS2017 with the Desktop Development with C++ first and running make update again? I will get to that asap.

2017 or 2019 either will work

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Everything worked perfectly fine!

Hello, I have been trying to build Blender on windows 10 too. I managed to compile it successfully and it worked just a few days ago. However, today I have gone to compile it again and an error similar to the one mentioned has occurred to me.

D:\tmp\Blender_Code_test_f0\blender>make verbose update
svn : “C:\Program Files\SlikSvn\bin\svn.exe”
cmake : “C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe”
ctest : “C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\ctest.exe”
git : “C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe”
python : “D:\tmp\Blender_Code_test_f0\blender\…\lib\win64_vc14\python\37\bin\python.exe”
No explicit msvc version requested, autodetecting version.
Detecting msvc 2017
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe” -latest -version [15.0,15.99) -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64
Visual Studio is detected but the “Desktop development with C++” workload has not been instlled
Detecting msvc 2019
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe” -latest -version [16.0,16.99) -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64
VS_Installdir=“D:\Programas\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community”

** Visual Studio 2019 Developer Command Prompt v16.5.0
** Copyright © 2019 Microsoft Corporation

[vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: ‘x64’
Visual Studio 2019 msbuild found
Visual Studio 2019 C/C++ Compiler found
Visual Studio 2019 is detected successfully
Compiler Detection successful, detected VS2019
Library Directory = "“D:\tmp\Blender_Code_test_f0\blender…\lib\win64_vc14"”
ECHO está desactivado.

The required external libraries in “D:\tmp\Blender_Code_test_f0\blender…\lib\win64_vc14” are missing

Would you like to download them? (y/n)y

Downloading win64_vc14 libraries, please wait.

svn: E170000: El URL ‘https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/lib/win64_vc14’ no existe
Error during download, retry? y/ny
El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada.
svn: E155007: ‘D:\tmp\Blender_Code_test_f0\blender’ no es un directorio con una copia de trabajo
svn: E170000: El URL ‘https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/lib/win64_vc14’ no existe
Error during download, retry? y/n

I had Visual Studio 2017 and 2019 installed. At the beginning it detected 2017. I tried “make update 2019” (Specifying the visual studio version). But he said he was missing. Finally uninstall visual studio 2017, and install some of the 2019 kits that I was missing, but the same error is still happening. I have svn installed and as I said, a few days ago, make update worked properly, so I don’t know what’s going on right now.
Any suggestion?

14 is now 15

Where that needs to be updated for you, I am not sure.

I can try looking after lunch if @Lazydodo doesn’t get to you first.

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vc14 is no longer referenced in the batch files unless you have checked out a branch or old commit , what is the output of make showhash


Okay, now I think I understand the problem. I am working with versions 2.82 and 2.81. I just cloned the current repository and it works, now it select vc15. Could this be the problem? If so, is there any way to continue working with previous versions?

if you work with older versions you should check out the matching libraries from the tag in svn for the version you are trying to build for. Trying to build old versions with new libs are a guaranteed way to run into compatibility issues.

starting from 2.82 make update should do the right thing and grab the proper libs for you, but anything before that you are on your own in grabbing the matching libraries.


Okay, my fault. Thank you very much and I’m sorry for the noise.

Not a problem at all, happy to help, plus other people that have the same issue may find this thread in the future, thanks for asking really!


Go to this link:

Sliksvn Download Page
Install the package and it should fix everything.

I chose complete as it includes all features and probably what solved the issue. I had to uninstall old version and re install new then restart your command line.

Then within command line us:

cd c:/

(To navigate to folder containing Blender make file)

My command was:


Then run:

make update verbose

@WokrPrintStudios please don’t bring back 3 years!! after the last post, no matter how helpful you are trying to be, trust me the problem has either been solved, or people have moved on.