LLVM-3.4 failed to compile on Arch

I’ve tried to build Blender on Antergos (arch linux) and it’s always failing at install_deps.sh script. I’ve tried it on PC and Laptop, both with i7 and 16GB RAM.

Here is output: https://pastebin.com/wwmHpLBa

install_deps.sh tries to build a really old version of llvm, but you can add “–skip-llvm” as a parameter to the script and just install clang (which includes llvm) with pacman instead.

i have a wrapper script for arch-based distros here: https://github.com/johnakki/blender-misc-scripts/blob/master/build-blender.sh

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Yep, this was it. I have had installed clang and newer version of llvm before trying to build Blender but install_deps.sh couldn’t work with it.

Thank you very much!

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