Little bit faster cloth simulation modifier

I wrote a patch to speed up the cloth modifier. In my environment (i7-10700), the speed was increased by 40% for the benchmark data with approximately 40K vertices.

Since it uses parallelization, I think there is a risk that it might become slower depending on the CPU and data. So I’m interested to see if it will speed up in your environment as well.

Here is the patch (.diff), build binary(.zip) and benchmark data(.blend).

commit hash of base code is: 76cf859b3313f3d04d739b8e7b04d259f67bf446


Best to send a pull request, the developer handbook has the details on doing that.

Thank you for your advice.

It’s right if my patch works on many PCs.
However, I only checked the speedup on my PC, so I’d like someone to check it before making a pull request.

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Its way easier for us to check this PR instead of go to the forum-> go to the google disk-> download the path file-> try to apply it (if there is not issues with format) and all this just to make so you’ll create PR.

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Thank you, I’ll try PR.

By the way, little bit more speed up (65%) in my PC.


Is there Have any update? :rofl:

I believe this is the corresponding PR. Hasn’t seen recent activity though.