Let's (finally) fix the ShadowCatcher

Hello, vivid Blender user here!
I’ve been using Blender for a long time, since 2.4 even, and when I heard about the shadow catcher and used it, it was nice but it lacked exactly what’s described in the post here.
There have been many advancements with denoising and hybrid rendering, but I agree with everyone who also is of the opinion, that the Blender shadow catcher has to be done properly.
Hopefully this is going to be on the to-do list soon, as it’s something that was introduced too quickly and too poorly.


@brecht, in case this slipped your attention.

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Shadow catcher is on the list already:


Cannot find it :frowning:
Are there any news? The features listed above are really missing for VFX.

Oh yeah please a Shadow catcher that extracts the GI and full color shadowing.
Basically we need the result of beauty with tracing object minus beauty with no object (Aovs included).

It looks like it’s on the list, but doesn’t have a task assigned. Everything else on the list does.

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So does this mean that it is not planned for the near future? This thread is over one year old :frowning:

It means that it has not a high priority at the moment but is of cause depends on the developer what they want to do… and what they have to do. Yes i need that feature too and hope to have it soon but as always everybody wants a different feature to be implemented as soon as possible…


It looks like it’s on the list, but doesn’t have a task assigned.

It does now :wink::


It’s been a year and a half and all we got is a taks made for it recently :roll_eyes:


Its a needed feature for good vfx/compositiong stuff and I think that this is not a “can we please have a full game-engine that is better than ue4” task.
And I know that there are hacks to archive this but a proper, easy to use, method would be nice (a shadow-catcher was also possible before the official feature but now its way more easy).


I wait for good shadowcatcher too… It is very important feature.


Yes please! I am really missing this feature! :kissing_heart:

Just wanted to upvote this proposal.
I also would love to see a proper shadow catcher implemented in blender. Right now it’s the most important feature I miss.

I think is interesing how the last 3 posts are from people who just made an account and their first post was here, tells a lot about how much wanted this feature is.


Well for all the complaints about the lack of this (and subdiv performance) the respective tasks still both have less than 20 tokens…

But yeah this would obviously be great. Well even if task is only thing we’ve gotten its nice that Dalai is keeping busy with making clear tasks so that stuff is tracked in the developer portal too and not just as complaints on forums.

This thread is now the first one in the history of this forum to have 50 < likes :slight_smile:

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@brecht Why was this moved from Cycles sub-forum to User Feedback sub-forum. I fail to see what classifies this as belonging to User Feedback forum while majority of the posts in Cycles sub-forum are of the exact same class (a non-host-app specific feedback about a Cycles feature which would affect Cycles implementations in all the host apps, not only Blender).

Are there any clear, specific rules about which topics belong in which sub-forum, and if so, why aren’t they enforced by moving also other threads of similar type from Cycles sub-forum here?

I am not a moderator or anything like that, so this is just my interpretation.
This forum is primarily supposed to be a place for discussion among developers. As a rule of thumb, everything that is not a discussion among developers is supposed to be in the “User Feedback” section. As this thread is clearly a feature request, you might even argue whether this forum is the right place for it.
However, they are not strictly enforcing the rules here. So if a thread is started in the wrong section, they may just leave it there. Usually they disappear on their own. As this thread was constantly being revived, it was the right call to move it from my point of view.

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Yes, that’s exactly it.

If we leave topics with constant thread bumping like this in the developer forums then soon the discussion between developers will be drowned out, as there are many more users than developers.

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