Layers maniphest

Here are proposals about global visibility functions in outliner.
The way to provide control for heavyweight (~1000 collections) setups.

A) Normal state - initial state of outliner

B) Ability to use ctrl+LMB outliner isolation as toggle, with restoring previous global state.
First ctrl+LMB press remembers inital state of scene visibility, and isolates collection, second - restores previous state of scene, stored by firts ctrl+LMB.
This will allow to quickly figure out what is stored in any collection.

C) Ability to invert visibility - to figure out what is hidden in scene. Red line is drawn in UI.

D) Ability to swap any column with visibility. This will allow to view and edit render/other state of objects of entire scene as visibilty for better scene handling and control. Column, that was swapped with visibility column became purple.

E) Ability to make everything visible via single toggle hotkey (maybe * key), to make sure what it contains during setup.

Here is GIF: