Keymaps feedback

My first though was to use the number row to assign to each tool just like hotbars in FPS games, it’s generally a quite intuitive and agile approach but the numbers 123 are assigned to select vert\edge\face in edit mode.
The collections hidding and unhidding could be done by holding shift or alt+shift

We could assing number row 4 to select tool and number row 5 to cursor tool, its near to W and E and is fast to reach, just 30-45°, rotated in the hand pivot relative to esc.


I detect a bug with the keyboard but I do not know how to replicate it. I think it is generated by Poly Build, after using it, the right and left mouse button perform the same action on all tools, when normally with “right click select” the right button selects or moves if you drag the pointer. The selection continues to work, but the drag has been completely lost.
I am testing today’s version and although it has been fixed momentarily, now I can not get the usual interaction.

For the “select linked mesh” function to be assigned to double click on that mesh, curve, etc.
It can stay mapped to “L” at the same time but double-clicking on the needed element is really intuitive and fast.

And it can complement the branch of mouse selection behavior started with deselect with a click on empty space.

To continue this idea:
We don’t have any action assigned to double click on the object in the “object mode” right? What if we use it for select all objects in a group? So it will extend this logic of double-clicking for selecting “the whole” element.

What do you think guys, could it work?

I would hesitate to suggest double anything as a keybind.
It’s just horrendously unreliable, both in getting the timing right in the first place, and in it being dependant on the speed at which the application is running.

See how it could be done. :wink:

Yes, i saw this method before, thank you. But we talking about native blender keymap, right? :slight_smile:

What you mean?
Of course…

Double click loop select was removed?

Yeah, i noticed this too.

Really? This can only be a bug. (I hope)

I like that feature too, but if you think about it there is already a convenient hotkey for loop select and not so convenient hotkey for selecting a linked mesh.

Bad news. It was intentionally removed. :frowning:

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oh no D: …

That’s so unfortunate!
This is the default in Maya. Never caused problems to anyone I know of. People use Maya with pen tablets and laptops all the time .
All selections here are done with double left click, no hotkeys:


  • loop edge select
  • ring edge
  • loop/ring between two edges
  • loop face
  • select linked mesh
  • same with vertices
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Not only is double clicking unreliable, even more so when the interface is lagging, but it interfered and made horribly slow another feature. It wasn’t removed on a whim.

So if you had some verts stacked up and wanted to click multiple times to cycle through them you had to click super slowly.

Alt+Click works every time. Double click breaks something and is unreliable.

You are just not used to this, but we are. All those features exist on other apps as well, and those issues you are talking about doesn’t exist.

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Load up blender, enter edit mode on a heavy mesh.
Use the double-tap A button to deselect all.

Then tell me it’s reliable.

You want an easier way to activate those selection modes? that’s fine. But don’t break something else in the process (selection cycling), when an alternative exists that works every time and is insignificantly slower.

The good news is that it’s not breaking anything. I can do both just fine.

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unless you purposefully clicked slowly so as not to trigger a double click event