Issues porting Blender to Android tablets

Hello everyone, please ask. During the process of debugging the blender4.0.0 code, I found that the created GPU_TEXTURE_CUBE did not specify data, but was used in the shader program. Not sure which process Iā€™m missing.

First Cube:

Second Cube:

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I am slowly debugging the blender code and printing a lot of logs.

However, debugging on Android is not as convenient as debugging on the desktop platform.

I have also tried to use renderdoc to troubleshoot, but I am not familiar with renderdoc at the moment, so I can only simply look at the output of each frame.

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If eevee and Greece pencil works on Android it will be a massive win . I really appreciate your efforts for this .

The texture is used as an attachment to a frame buffer, so it is expected that data is not provided when the texture is created.
Also please note that the code has changed quite a bit in 4.2 with the Eevee-Next project landed.