Issue in getting blender source code windows and precompiled libraries

Issue in getting blender source code windows and precompiled libraries.
Below things I did for getting blender source code

Issue in getting blender source code windows and precompiled libraries.

Below things I did for getting blender source code

git clone git://
It’s giving below error

C:\blender-git\Solution>git clone git://
Cloning into ‘blender’…
fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=No error

And Below command used get pre-compiled libraries
svn checkout lib/win64_vc14

—Its below error
Checkout is not working. Its showing below error
Unable to connect to repository at URL
connection Timedout

some kind of firewall perhaps?

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I tried disabling firewall but after that also I am facing same issues… If you provide some help then it will be great help.

I tried disabling firewall but after that also I am facing same issues… If you provide some help then it will be great help.

You are clearly having some connectivity issues, but this is not something i can help with