Is Blender going to have polygroups?

Will Blender have the option of saving a sculpt mask, as some form of delimitation of the sculpt mesh, for the purpose of doing easy hiding and masking of complex mesh structures ?
Like Polygroups in Zbrush.

I’m thinking of creating a new BKE_pbvh_bmesh_update_topology that can preserve arbitrary markings for verts/edges, but its so hard . . . (should I do something else ?)


I don’t know of any plans to add it.

PBVH bmesh is only for dynamic topology, so it’s not the only place that would need to be updated, but yes BKE_pbvh_bmesh_update_topology would need to preserve custom data in some way.

I think there’s other sculpt features that are requested much more often though, so I’m not sure if making the code more complicated in this direction is the most useful thing.

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OK bit to much, found another thing to (attempt) work on

Blender 2.8 has face-maps which are intended for rigging but could be used for any kind of face-grouping.
Unlike vertex groups each face can only be part of a single face-map, so I’m not sure if this fits you’re use case well.


Can we hire facempas in sculpt mode with multires mod?

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Zbrush polygroups definitely only have 1 polygroup per 1 face, though. So in that sense that could work for it.

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