I’m looking for a way to import fbx files via the built-in fbx importer (including it’s file browser/properties) and then do further process after the import.
Maybe I’m missing something obvious, but so far (after several nights of testing code/searching the internet) I haven’t found a way.
Is this not possible in Blender? I understand that this is related to how operators work and the fact that code execution doesn’t wait for file-browsers etc.
I found a method that is quite close to working, but it’s missing a few key parts (how to stop if cancel is pressed or if the fbx is invalid).
Any other suggestions how to accomplish this?
import bpy
from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper
class ImporterFBX(bpy.types.Operator, ImportHelper):
bl_idname = "importer.fbx"
bl_label = "Import"
bl_options = {'PRESET'}
sceneobjects = 0
currentobjects = 0
def modal(self, context, event):
# Objects imported, import done.
if self.currentobjects > self.sceneobjects:
return {'FINISHED'}
self.currentobjects = len(bpy.data.objects)
# Stop if esc is pressed.
if event.type in {'ESC', 'RIGHTMOUSE'}:
# How to stop if the cancel button was pressed?
# How to stop if an error occured?
# Print the result if still running.
print("still running", event)
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
#save current number of objects on scene
self.sceneobjects = len(bpy.data.objects)
# Deselect everything.
#start the import
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def register():
if __name__ == "__main__":
fbx_paths = ["path/to/file1.fbx", "path/to/file2.fbx"]
# Loop over a list of paths to fbx files and open the dialog window and process the result for each one of them.
# Every file might need to have different import properties. Below is just a quick example.
for path in fbx_paths:
bpy.ops.importer.fbx("INVOKE_DEFAULT", filepath=path)
# Get the result of import via selected objects.
# Do other stuff...