I'd like to share an Archviz Demo file for the blender website


i’d like to give an homemade CC0 archviz demo scene for the blender website (that i didn’t made yet) to celebrate the release of the precise modeling update of 2.81? 2.82?. I’d really want to convince more archviz artist to join the blender community.

i need some informations before starting:

  • when will this update be released ?
  • Is there some special criteria for demo files appart the need of a CC0 liscence ? (any memory limits ?)
  • my workflow consist of reproducing existing photography/design into a cg render, is this workflow okay ?

i didn’t knew where to post my proposal.


I guess you just need to write an email?

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It’s being worked on in https://developer.blender.org/T66337. Some things will be in 2.81, but we don’t make specific promises regarding when features are released.


is whole project made by you? all assets… textures materials etc… u have to be able to give the license for those…

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Yup, except for textures, i use CC0 textures so i resell the scene as CC0 and share the source to everyone. No troubles. But i can replace CC0 by homemade if necessary.

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A beautiful scene. Thank you.
Does it work in Cycles and EEVEE? Would be great as a reference if it works in both. To learn how to make Scenes for both renderers. I made architectural visualizations, but was not able to get the real time part in EEVEE nice and clean. The customers would have loved it, also it would have been a good way to make some extra money, sitting down with the client changing some materials and colors and the placement of some objects and let them see the result directly.

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yes that’s why i create this product at the first place.

I’ll create the free scene in a month or two. I have a few more project to finish first :slight_smile:

, sitting down with the client changing some materials and colors and the placement of some objects and let them see the result directly.

Cycles could do that if your pc is powerful enough :slight_smile:


beautiful! I hope this will be added to the homepage!


Okay i think i’ll share this scene afterall.

is it good enough ? i think it’s a good demo for eevee. it look as good as cycles.
i will retopo all model, it need to be a clean quad dream. and maybe replace the background and painting.
maybe add other decorations in the non visible part of the room ? i don’t know yet. updates soon on this thread.

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it’s a great demo! Like it a lot