How to get more specific info from tool_fallback_id or similar

Trying to change behaviour based on which of the three select tools (box, lasso, circle) is being used for the Drag operation in the transform tools (move scale, rotate, transform)

Tried figuring this out but the furthest I can get it is knowing that all three have a tool_fallback_id = ''

Here’s the script:

class VIEW3D_select_through(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Select Occluded Elements"""
    bl_idname = "view3d.select_through"
    bl_label = "Select Through Operator"

    def execute(self, context):
        from bl_ui.space_toolsystem_common import ToolSelectPanelHelper
        space_type = context.space_data.type
        tool_settings = context.tool_settings
        if tool_settings.independent_select_through == True:
            current_tool ='EDIT_MESH', create=False).idname
            if current_tool == "builtin.select_box":
                tool_settings.select_through_box ^= True
            elif current_tool == "builtin.select_circle":
                tool_settings.select_through_circle ^= True
            elif current_tool == "builtin.select_lasso":
                tool_settings.select_through_lasso ^= True
            elif current_tool == "builtin.move" or "builtin.rotate" or "builtin.scale" or "builtin.transform":
                if tool_settings.workspace_tool_type == 'FALLBACK':
                    cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
                    tool = cls.tool_fallback_id
                    #tool = cls._tool_get_by_id(context, cls.tool_fallback_id)
                    if tool == "builtin.select_box":
                        tool_settings.select_through_box ^= True
                    elif tool == "builtin.select_circle":
                        tool_settings.select_through_circle ^= True
                    elif tool == "builtin.select_lasso":
                        tool_settings.select_through_lasso ^= True             
            tool_settings.select_through ^= True

Tried to get any information that is different between the three (box, lasso, circle) by doing
tool = cls._tool_get_by_id(context, cls.tool_fallback_id)
but it’s the same regardless.

What it prints for each of the three tools:

(ToolDef(idname='', label='Tweak', description=None, icon='', cursor=None, widget=None, keymap=['3D View Tool: Tweak'], data_block=None, operator=None, draw_settings=None, draw_cursor=None), 0)
(ToolDef(idname='', label='Tweak', description=None, icon='', cursor=None, widget=None, keymap=['3D View Tool: Tweak'], data_block=None, operator=None, draw_settings=None, draw_cursor=None), 0)
(ToolDef(idname='', label='Tweak', description=None, icon='', cursor=None, widget=None, keymap=['3D View Tool: Tweak'], data_block=None, operator=None, draw_settings=None, draw_cursor=None), 0)

I know there’s gotta be something else I can use to distinguish between the three, thanks for any help

Ok figured it out. Use this instead:

tool = cls._tool_get_by_id_active(context, tool_fallback_id)[0].idname

Note that you have to say [0].idname and not just .idname