I have huge confusion.
A Cube has 8 vertices but as each vertex is part of three faces with different normals, we duplicate the vertices and make them 24.
There is a method add_vertex_normals
in Cycles Mesh class. It is taking normals from the faces and computing the vertex normals.
When I am reading an FBX, I am building the mesh only with unique vertices. I am blindly discarding normals and calculating them using the same logic of this add_vertex_normals
So, what is wrong in defining a cube only with 8 vertices and compute vertex normals using this method? How is this Cube mesh different from 24 vertices Cube mesh?
When I add a triangle to a mesh, I need to pass “smooth” flag. What is this for? What I thought is, if ATTR_STD_VERTEX_NORMAL attribute is defined in my mesh, then smooth is true. else false.
Thanks a lot in advance.