Holes for mesh surfaces

not really the same proposal, but bezier mesh shaper uses an interesting trick to manipulate mesh shapes that roughly respect the bezier curves,
actually it should become an official modifier.


This addon is very useful, so I imagine the immense usefulness of the “curve-mesh-bezier”

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What I am thinking is that the Hybrid would contain a conventional mesh like this:

With the faces that require holes looking like this:

So together they look like this:

@1D_Inc already has tools to line up objects accurately by selecting 3 points in each object to be aligned, so that would not be an issue, these faces are just flat co-planar polys where the inner ones are holes. Maybe other options are better, but do you see what I am trying to achieve?

The other option is to do it like this:

Using two faces split across the hole, just thinking out loud really about what the possibilities might be. There must be a way to get holes in surfaces, even if we then restrict what you can do with them, I can think of so many parts where you would not want to start using bevels, etc, because they are already taken care of by the modelling of the mesh between the faces with holes. Just make it so you cannot mess up these faces with other routines, like edge slide, etc.

My modelling techniques was to make the original mesh bit, first image here, then part copies of the vests to make the 2D curves, then I added them back, having lined them up to make one single collection - which would become the “Holed Face”.

This is a feature for mechanical and architectural modelling, not sculpt modelling, it is not appropriate for that. We just want a flat face that can support a hole using internal co-planar polygons.

Cheers, Clock.

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a practice a new typology of objects that is a container, which holds surfaces and mesh together not necessarily manipulated by the same tools before a total conversion into mesh

The problem here is that converting the “holed face” I had as a 2D curve to a mesh does this to it:

This is no good at all for mechanical, or architectural modelling… Just a total mess.

I forgot … obviously with a decent remeshing-retopology-conversion :joy:

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I just want to be able to make things like this without the divided faces on the front…

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I talked about a container of surfaces on purpose, because I also imagine cases where we don’t have “ngons” just flat … I imagine examples of this kind …

I think
indeed it would be enough to somehow evolve the ngons into a sort of new bezier surfaces (or subdivision surfaces with vertices and edges creased that were created but which in this form appear as “mesh-bezier”)

imagine that that circle is a hole …
(my memory deceives me but the booleans didn’t work even with subdivision surfaces? did I find a bug?)

this is a surface made of subdivision surface with creased edge

works, but the hole is not visible in edit mode :slight_smile:


So, my proposal for a technique is this:

  1. Add a new type of face to Bmesh called a “holed_face”
  2. Select vertices as here:

Code as this:

bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
sel_verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]
new_face = bm.holed_face.new(sel_verts)

Shortcut; H if not in use in edit mode rather than F for normal face.

Internal polys don’t render/shade, we are left with one face with holes in it. Job done!

I think you could then still use bevel, edge slide and other routines on this, provided “holes” are not then touching/straddling outer loop, if so, error is returned and job not done.

Cheers Clock.

“holed_subsurface_with_creased_boundary_edge” ^___^


Well, this is a 2D Curve with lovely holes made from a mesh made precisely with PDT:


I can turn this anyway I want, but I cannot extrude it, now that would be nice… Even nicer if I could then add edge loop to the extruded part and then move that outward to make a bevel…

We must decide whether we want holed_face, or holed_subsurface_with_creased_boundary_edge as the basis for this, either way I don’t mind provided we can then make other things with them, or just use them as part of a complex model.

What do people think to this - can we have a vote to decide which way to go?

in this case nothing changes, it is just that the subdivision surface with a hole (which is a concept) is flat,
the ngon would be replaced with these “subdivision surfaces that can have holes”

I like your approach, with your approach can we model that disc I showed? Can we have holes going through it from multiple axes? We then would have a full NURBS modeller with holes, just what we want, so how much development time and would Blender devs incorporate it into Blender at some stage, or can you run your concept as an Add-on?

Could we model this:

I can model this with conventional mesh and faces split across holes, but maybe NURBS might be better, I don’t know.

the other software in my opinion is not that they are so advanced … it is that they use tricks, booleans at will, with parts that are not useful that are -opengl- hidden

How did you make this? can you post a blend file for me to play with, is this NURBS, or what?

create a plane subdivide it once select the boundary edges and shift - E > make edge crease to the max .>
activates the subdivision surfaces and activates the editable view. (triangle icon in the modifier)

to create the other objects select one side ctrl - D > duplicate it then extrude it -> then select the edges not creased and crease them.

How did you get the hole?

Forget that - I am being a dumb-ass:


Extruding it might be a bit tricky…

Is a simple cylinder and then boolean modifier on the subdivision surface

Creates a cylinder that intersects with the surface.
Select the surface and then add a boolean modifier and assign the cylinder as object to be subtracted

Obviously without a conversion of everything in mesh, applying the modifiers you can do nothing or almost …

I used them only as examples of how a hypothetical mesh and surface container could work … that would allow operations such as extrusion and other that is allowed to the actual meshes …

a creased edge circle extruded would be perfect


I will play more with this…

I am grateful that you finally understood the devilry I have in mind :grin: