Help building Blender on Windows 11, vc17, main branch

Uh, yeah. That’s why I asked what to share, to help you understand the problem.

Ok, turns out i forgot to git add a file. Rebuilding now.

Now I’m back to the previous problem. Where can I find the event log?

I don’t know how you are building? Could be the IDE, could be from the command line, i have no way of knowing.

You said you “had errors” you must have seen them somewhere , can you make a screenshot of what you’re seeing?

Build.log.txt (4.2 KB)
buildtime.txt (30 Bytes)

you have what appears to be an unresolved merge conflict in source/blender/modifiers/CMakeLists.txt the following is present in your source file listing


Ok, i resolved that, fetched, checked status, and got this. I didn’t touch ANY of these files.
status.txt (47.7 KB)

does C:\blender-git\blender\.git\MERGE_HEAD exist?

No .git folder. Only .gitea and .github.

that is…uncommon… i’ll try to get to the same information another way, what is the full output of git status all of it! not just the bit with the modified files.